You're not watching the same Mitch McConnell I'm watching, apparently. He is the one who offered the CR that the Democrats refused to even debate. He and his fellow Kentuckian, Rand Paul, are continuing to offer compromise after compromise, as are other Republicans, and the Democrats are beginning to sound like an old LP, stuck on a scratch ... "no compromise ... no compromise ... no compromise ... " It's getting old, and I don't think they realize how badly this attitude is going to come back and bit them on the butt cheeks, sooner rather than later, though later too.
McConnell lose his seat? As the British say, "Naut bloodeh lahkley." <-- Really bad accent
If you cannot see the gap between Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell, I do not know what to tell you. When Rand Paul ran for Senator, Mitch baby supported his opponent in the primary. In the general election, Mitch gave Rand Paul lip service. Rand Paul was elected with 58% of the vote.
Now, understand I have voted for Mitch McConnell every election since 1984 when he was first elected. Mitch McConnell is an establishment politician. He is also a RINO. He has compromised with the Democrats time after time. In addition, he sided with the Democrat leadership in the Senate several times against President Bush. In his reelection bids, some of the races have been squeakers. In the final analysis, Mitch McConnell is a typical politician, a big spender, and a liberal to moderate in his political beliefs. There is a much bigger gap between Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell than Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid.
Rand Paul believes governing by the Constitution and serving the American people, two qualities lacking in Mitch. I am not defending Harry Reid or President Obama, but they are Democrats and what do you expect. I expect a Senator elected by the people of Kentucky to reflect the values of Rand Paul or someone like him.
This is also another aspect of this whole thing. These Senators and Congressmen were sent to Washington to do a job, a job which transcends political ideology. It is to govern. It was their job to do whatever necessary to avoid shutting down the government. It was their job several years ago to pass budgets and appropriation bills on time so this never happens. The time for left-right debate was months ago. At midnight the other night, the opportunities for debate were over, and it was their job to keep the nation governable. In the case of Mitch McConnell, he is suppose to be a leader. He failed and failed miserably. I do not gamble, but if I did, I would take you up on that bet about his chances next year. He has strong opposition in the primary.