Gold Dragon
Well-Known Member
If you want to keep getting duped by people who have admitted in court you shouldn’t reasonably take their statements as facts, don’t be surprised when you look silly trying to defend those statements in the future.
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Because people believed her and took actions based on that belief.
Were you reasonable people who did not believe her? Have the courts shown any further reason to believe her?
The explanation for this seeming anomaly (that Powell believed and still believes that fraud took place and her lawyers’ assertion that she was only asserting opinion) is that for Dominion to succeed in its libel case against Powell it would have to prove that she knew what she was asserting was false, and that, indeed that falsity was a matter of fact she consciously or recklessly malevolently presented as something it was not.
Her lawyers, in other words, were simply making a highly technical legal argument that at the time Powell made the statements in question they could only be matters of opinion, and the statement of an opinion is not a statement of fact and therefore could not be grounds for a defamation action. This is not the easiest point to grasp, but any reading of the whole pleading by anyone with legal training should have made it evident.
The ‘Pathetic’ Genesis of a Fake News Story - American Greatness
and that's what her website and her own attorney claims she meant, not what you and the rest of the left are saying. I didn't either believer her or disbelieve her at first, all attorneys make outlandish public remarks pre-trial, but this company did look shady - a VP posting anti-Trump foul posts on FB, they were outfitted with a WiFi so they could be accessed in real-time, first these people claimed it couldn't be connected to the internet but that was another lie. Also, in a few states they did a live update right when they were counting the votes. and that is unethical and illegal.
So Eric Coomer and his cronies brought a lot of this on themselves but I think most of the election fraud wasn't by them. it was by old-fashioned ballot stuffing. Too bad dominion didn't have any mechanism for votes to be counted over and over again by Democratic poll workers unsupervised in the Big Four machine cities.
There was one county in Ohio that has decided not to use Dominion but the state of Texas declined to use them long before the presidential election. You seem like you have a lot of interest in this, but I sure don't and you STILL don't get it:
Defending FOX as though they are unbiased would be foolish. Most of what I've watched on FOX was either commentary, interview, or raw footage. But FOX is a comparative Johnny-come-lately. Before them, the Dem Progressive Left dominated the scene with all manner of Fake News duping much of the public, often presenting commentary as if news. The notion that these outlets have been or are providing unbiased coverage is ludicrous, yet is ingrained in the minds of the gullible. Those so conditioned are bound to view FOX as overly if not entirely deceptive, as the established Progressive Left MSM love to dictate.What you still don’t get is that I don’t care about the dominion case and whether they win their defamation case or not. It is unlikely because US defamation law places a very high burden of proof on plaintiffs to prove defamation, allowing bad actors to say what they want with no basis in fact or reality with impunity.
But the remarkable thing about these cases, including the aforementioned Tucker Carlson case is their blatant disregard for truth that they openly admit in court and even mock those who believe them. Yet unreasonable people will continue to line their pockets by giving them attention so they don’t care. They admit in court that they are snake oil salesmen taking advantage of their market and their business is booming and their goal is to minimize their expenses, not to purvey truth or even bother to appear like they are trying to.
My comment is only about those who have admitted in court that they don't care about representing facts and call those who believe them unreasonable.
If a left leaning media person admitted they did the same in court, they deserve the same condemnation. My allegiance has nothing to do with political leanings but to the truth.
I have voted for and supported right and left leaning politicians in both Canada and Australia. I vote for the people who will best govern that place at that time. I have read and supported right and left leaning media outlets. Their political leaning is irrelevant if they tell the truth.
So when someone is clearly lying and then admits in court that they are doing so, that should bother anyone who cares about the truth.
That is still missing the point almost entirely. Liars and deceivers don’t tell you when they are doing their thing. Unbiased journalism is a myth.
Your posts have continued to mischaracterize Powell's case, even when shown the facts. The court document you posted clearly discusses similar instances of what she is accused, including those on the left, which could not possibly pass your supposed standards. Even if she were guilty, which she is not, she would not be guilty of a legal offense.The point of this entire discussion is about Powell, Fox News and Carlson admitting in court through their lawyers that they were liars so that they could have defamation suits dismissed. Nobody said anything about unbiased journalism or left leaning MSM except you.
Yes, there's no convincing him, fine by me if he thinks they all lied. He does have a right to his own opinion, just wish he would extend that right to others. Again. I'm going to believe her attorney over anything CNN or other commie site says, I know they lie.
Really he seems more upset over people contributing to the stop the steal, thinks they are fools for the way they spend their own money. Maybe he is right, but Kamala Harris gave her money to bail out Minneapolis rioters but she sure went jackboot when she thought her own self was in danger. She was shaking down the gullible but not a peep from the left on that one. They are the burg.
Again. I'm going to believe her attorney
Reasonable people understand that the “language of the political arena, like the language used in labor disputes … is often vituperative, abusive and inexact." It is likewise a “well recognized principle that political statements are inherently prone to exaggeration and hyperbole.” Given the highly charged and political context of the statements, it is clear that Powell was describing the facts on which she based the lawsuits she filed in support of President Trump. Indeed, Plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as “wild accusations” and “outlandish claims.”They are repeatedly labelled “inherently improbable” and even “impossible.” Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support Defendants’ position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact
fine by me if he thinks they all lied.
Fox persuasively argues ... that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrives with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes."
Your posts have continued to mischaracterize Powell's case, even when shown the facts. The court document you posted clearly discusses similar instances of what she is accused, including those on the left, which could not possibly pass your supposed standards. Even if she were guilty, which she is not, she would not be guilty of a legal.
Yes, there's no convincing him, fine by me if he thinks they all lied.
Agreed. Not every position, argument, or post so grossly misaligned with the facts has to be challenged. But the hope that certain openly conceited posters will concede anything important can be far more distant than the motive to counter them with the truth.Yes its important to know when to stop arguing and simply let them be wrong
Also, it is one thing to suggest someone has somehow misunderstood, and quite another to smugly accuse of a handicap, such as poor reading comprehension.
No reasonable reader or listener would interpret Mr. Jones’ statements regarding the possibility of a “blue-screen” being used as a verifiably false statement of fact, and even if it is verifiable as false, the entire context in which it was made discloses that the statements are mere opinions “masquerading as a fact."
In making the initial determination of whether a publication is “capable of a defamatory meaning,” this Court must “construe the publication ‘as a whole in light of the surrounding circumstances based upon how a person of ordinary intelligence would perceive it.’”141 Whether a publication is “false and defamatory” depends on a “reasonable person’s perception of the entirety of a publication and not merely on individual statements.
I agree with her attorney and suggest you do the same if you want to be considered a reasonable person
LOL, yes, for the last time, "reasonable people" would not view her statements as true just because she says so. The proof, if there was any, was never shown in a court of law - "reasonable people" would not take her word alone, therefore, Dominion could not have been defamed. It's not that complicated.
And can anyone else see the irony in Doctor Kangaroo with a sad case of TDS here lecturing us on how to be reasonable people?
well, I was going to leave this thread forever but the above is not that bad of a reply - these are a bunch of lawyers involved, so it's going to be confusing.
Now she is claiming that in two weeks, the fraud will be apparent to all, more smack talk?. But I'm about done on the topic for real for now, I don't think they will dismiss this, but Dominion might drop it if they are scared of discovery. when it's possible to see all the cards. Hope not, the truth ought to vindicate either Sid or Dominion here,