MB, do you think you were/are a good person or do you think you were/are wretched in your sins?So what you are saying God forced them into a satiation where they could not refuse. That is called forced. "Choice" was what the conversation is about you are replying to.
What I clearly stated is that there is no Choice when you are forced. I said;
All this while you hope to tell me God can force men to do what ever He wants to. I agree He can, but what's your point? I was telling Austin and Craig exactly what I believe Calvinism is. It is a fatalistic faith. Everything including Salvation just mysteriously happens. Why you guy;s don't even have to believe. When scriptures clearly states;
Act 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Who should I believe God or Calvinist?
When you fell, because of sin, were you only slightly injured, or was your fall fatal?
The Bible says your fall was fatal. You missed the mark so badly that you were dead. (Ephesians 2:1)
Now, how can one who is dead somehow choose Jesus as Savior?
When a person falls off a cliff and dies from the fall, can that person choose their rescue and regeneration to life?
But God, made us alive... (Ephesians 2:4)
God did more than just regenerate. He sat us at the throne room with Christ. (Ephesians 2:5-7)
He graciously chose to do this because we were adopted by predestination, before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1)
God's choice.
You were dead at the bottom of the cliff. No choice. You fell by your own failed attempt. You died by your own failed attempt. That...was your "free will" at work.
But God...
Your claims of fatalism come from your ignorance of scripture and your fantasy that you have something inately good in yourself. Here's a truth. You have nothing good in yourself. Not one thing. (And neither do any of us.) Accept that reality.