You cannot proved one single post of mine to prove this.
Have you not called into question my veracity (calling me a gossip) and the truthfulness of first hand witnesses?
Post 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 27, 30, 32, 36, 38, 40, and not a single word of agreement with me stating that MacDonald has violated the rights and privileges of the office of Elder/Pastor/Bishop... Only that it makes you sad.
That is the height of your outrage? A sadness?
As a fellow servant, you should loudly proclaim that such behavior should never be tolerated from an Elder/Bishop,Pastor...
Rather, your thoughts have gone along the trail of down playing the whole by reassigning blame to the agenda of others?
Is this not as little immature children do when faced with their own inappropriate behavior.
No one on this thread has done that. What we do see is that you have an unbalanced focus on what he did not no care or concern for the man himself. Which is just as wrong only having care and concern for the man himself. Sorry but your posts reflect someone who cares nothing about him and only wants him destroyed.
Really? Where is YOUR outrage?
You desired me to PROVE my remarks, so I posted from first hand accounts, and then you claim it was "gossip."
When that fails, you claim I am "hateful," and now post that I have some "unbalanced focus on what he did..." rather than "concern for the man himself."
You (as one who has dealt with others) know that a trait of one who plays down sinful behavior in their own life is to diminish the sinfulness of behavior in others. Often a preacher who "camps" on some sinfulness, preaching about it for an inordinate time, repeatedly bringing it up, is actually guilty or drifting into such sinfulness. You know this is the truth if you have been in the ministry and done any manner of introspection before God.
By some of the contributors playing down the sinfulness of the sin, even bringing some measure doubt to the first hand accounts and you not stepping up as also an overseer who knows this behavior disqualifies, but rather, calling into question my motives, do give support to such distractors from the stench of sin, thereby bringing that concern to my last few posts. Just what cover up of sinfulness is going on that contributors to this thread are not incensed.
Of course I focused on the man, himself. That is the focus of the thread!
Do you actually think that such a man, by merely apologizing, and claiming he has repented, is automatically re-qualified for the office of Elder/Bishop/Pastor?
Of course not.
There was no true repentance if the first desires are to "return to the ministry" from which he was disqualified.
You know that as true, for no doubt you have seen first hand those who "repent" and yet are as Scriptures state, a dog returning to the vomit.
True repentance is that he admits to Harvest, that he sits under their care and discipline, that he prove himself a true disciple that has been disciplined and then after an indeterminate length of time, he might be assigned some small matter of ministry. Then upon showing faithfulness, might be given a greater duty of service.
BUT, never again will that man be qualified to stand as Elder/Bishop/Pastor... for he has violated the trust of the flock.
The man is so diminutive compared to the damage done to the flock and the name of Christ.
He destroyed himself, it remains for others to clean up his failure(s) and reteach to the standard of what is righteous behavior. MacDonald certainly has no claim to do so, ever again. At best he is an example of failure due to pride and greed.