From tracing the origins of the calvinist-arminian divide, I'm seeing one of the key root issues is the calvinist doctrine of predestined reprobation/condemnation of non-elect man. Without this, a case can be made for the reconciliation of calvinism and arminianism - and if single predestination is shown to be logically and scripturally consistent, i'm presuming both camps should be happy to embrace it without any reluctance.
I'd like to think I'm familiar with most of the common arguments on this topic and I'll try not rehashing any of those. My personal goal is to debate and share my persuasion of what I see in Scriptures to be the uniting truth of God's single predestination of man to salvation - but no such predestination of man to condemnation before any of man's works of good and evil. And this is so without compromising on any of the attributes of God that calvinism or arminianism uphold.
I'd like to think I'm familiar with most of the common arguments on this topic and I'll try not rehashing any of those. My personal goal is to debate and share my persuasion of what I see in Scriptures to be the uniting truth of God's single predestination of man to salvation - but no such predestination of man to condemnation before any of man's works of good and evil. And this is so without compromising on any of the attributes of God that calvinism or arminianism uphold.