I've trained in many martial arts and hold several black belts, the highest of which is 8th.
Judo is traditional jujitsu made into a sport, and almost never has occultic/supernatural aspects. Tae Kwon Do (Korean karate) is almost always a business, and almost never has occultic/supernatural. Japanese karate taught by a Japanese will not usually have such practices, but the typical Japanese is a Buddhist and would do his karate like one, so occasionally you see such practices there. On the other hand, some ignorant Americans get the idea that karate is a Buddhist art (it's not), so they might teach zen meditation, "ki" practices, etc.
Mixed martial arts, including Brazilian Jujutsu, are free from Asian occultic practices, but they have often thrown out the good stuff: respect, proper discipline.
There are now many completely Christian martial arts out there in America now, and they are usually good in their religious component. My high ranks are in a modern, Christian style of chuan fa (kung fu, Chinese self defense). All of my teachers (Sensei in Japanese, Sifu in Chinese) have been Christians.