There is neither Jew nor Greek....
If we are all one in Christ Jesus, how can any church that claims Christ as their savior validate any claim that one skin color is different than another? Or rather, that one skin color is less worthy than another, and therefore shouldn't be mixed with the other?
Significantly enough, the term "the flesh" used to be tossed around here a lot, and it is often assumed to be just referring to so-called "sins of the flesh", particularly "sensuality" and perhaps also anger, gluttony, sloth, etc.
But if you really look at the whole theme of Paul's writings; it really means one's
natural, physical lineage (such as ethnic makeup). For that is what the Israelites (and those in the church influenced by them) Paul was dealing with were trusting in (as making them "chosen"), rather than Christ.
then, Paul says, if you're going to trust in your physical inheritance (nature), what does that nature really do for you? The answer: he lists all the sins, and contrasts it with the fruits of the Spirit.
It's amazing that Christians (even more widespread in the past, but people still believe like this today) that make a big emphasis on the "sins of the flesh" (to the point that you have to avoid certain kinds of music to stay pure) seem to believe that the actual, literal "flesh" associated with those sins [through our physical nature] carries some sort of merit (see John 6:63), that rules like this should be imposed
in God's name; or at least that those who believe or do this should be encouraged/defended, and anyone who opposes them is the real oppressor, and anti-God.
It is just as much heresy as works-righteousness.