Jeremiah 1
5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Psalm 139
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
What is someone's inmost being if not the soul?
God created the form (body). First man from dust of the earth. <-- THAT form did NOTHING, "UNTIL" it received LIFE from God.
God creates the form (body), (after Adam), in the WOMB of a woman. <-- during the FORMING, the form (body) has no independent LIFE of it's own.
The LIFE of the BODY is it's BLOOD. The BODY in the process of forming, relies on the mothers BLOOD, via the placenta.
Did God CHANGE His method of creating mankind? What scripture tells you such?
Because God did NOT give Adam a SOUL, until AFTER his body was "FORMed".
Gen 2
7] And the LORD God form
ed man of the dust of the ground
Psalm 139
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Yes, God "knits" a man together in the mother's womb.
The "parts" of the FORMed BODY. Flesh, you can see, and the heart, organs, nerves, tissue, bones, BLOOD, you do not see.
And does God ALSO create the SOUL? Yes.
And does God put LIFE from Him in a SOUL? Yes.
And is it the SOUL that "quickens" (brings to life) a Form (body)? Yes.
If you study Scripture you would find, God creates "vessels", and then "puts (imparts) LIFE from Him into those "vessels".
God is Life, and He NEVER destroys LIFE. It is the "vessels" that can either "DIE" or become "DESTROYED" by God.
The BODY is a vessel. It is created with BLOOD. The living soul, quickens the Body to living, The BLOOD is the LIFE that keeps that vessel alive. The "living soul" departs a DYING BODY, such a body, whose BLOOD stops maintaining it's living condition. Stop the blood flowing, the body died. The living SOUL departs, and goes to where God has prepared a PLACE for it to be......WAITING.
God forms the body.
God makes the soul.
God does not destroy life. God allows the body to die, because He requires YOUR BLOOD, for the sin of mankind. He will also depart life out of living souls, and DESTROY SOULS, of the unfaithful.
(and FYI, "spirits", ie spirit of man, is also held in a vessel, called the heart. A mans "natural spirit", is "HIS" truth, within "HIS" natural heart. Obviously limited, by the mans own "limited" knowledge. Any man, who becomes "born again", receives a "new heart", ie a circumcision of "his old natural heart", "his old natural spirit", "his old natural" truth; and with a new heart, the man receives a "new spirit", a "spiritual spirit", a "new truth", which IS, Christ Jesus, The all knowing wisdom and understanding and Seed, and TRUTH of God. Thereafter, such a man has direct access TO "THEE" all Knowing TEACHER, Christ Jesus Himself. Thereafter, such a man is "supposed" to be taught by, and listen TO, the Truth in his HEART, over and above, the ideas, thoughts, logical conclusions, and guessing of his "mind". )
But of course, ^ THAT ONLY applies to a man WHO is submitted unto God in faithfulness TO God.
Gen 2
7] And the LORD God
formed man of the
dust of the ground
Gen 2
and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life;
Gen 2
and man became a
living soul.
Isa 57
souls which
I have made.
Scripture never says, God "made" souls from the Dust of the earth. Scripture specifically says God forms the body. God made souls. Body forms can be seen. Souls can not be seen.
Bodies are "made from" an exiting element, (dust), that God created BEFORE mankind.
Souls are "made" by God, and "imparted" into the form, VIA, Gods breath.
Our "souls", are life from God. They are separate from our Body. They are imparted and departed, dependent upon what the blood in our body is doing (flowing or not).
When Jesus' BODY, died, His living soul departed the body and went to the inner most parts of earth.
When Jesus' BODY, died, His Spirit depart the body and went to Gods hands.
When Jesus' BODY, died, His Body was buried in a tomb.
Jesus is our TEACHER of TRUTH, and our EXAMPLE that men SAW with their eyes, and give us testimony, and SATISFIES, the Hebrews/Jews asking, wanting, to SEE God, and God promising He would walk among them.
What Scripture teaches pertaining to JESUS' BODY, is for mankind to KNOW and comprehend, the blood filled body, the living soul, and "born again" spirit are separate things on this earth, and must all be restored, (into holy things), to become completely reconciled unto God.
1 Thes 5
23] And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus taught about "a man becoming MADE WHOLE". Which IS, a man becoming "WHOLLY" (body, soul and spirit), restored unto God.
Scripture also teaches, of souls departing dead bodies, and even at times the soul returning to the body, and life of the body resuming.
Scripture also teaches of Bodies AND Souls that (have rejected the Lord), shall be bodies and souls that are DESTROYED. God does not destroy life. He departs LIFE, back to Him. He destroys Vessels.
A body, A soul, A spirit is all things, identified to one identity of one person. Thus, your body is you, your soul is you, your spirit is you, AS is your word, your heart, your mind.... as things carnal and spiritual that is your makeup.