Well-Known Member
Many Americans who are Baptist, especially SBC'ers did not support Obama and many of these folk do seem to hate Obama. But you must remember what the S stands for in SBC. This feeling of S is gradually becoming a smaller s as the older generation dies off and the younger generation matures. The old racial prejudices are not nearly as strong in the young as in the elderly. Sadly such prejudice is still alive in some preachers. I had a SBC preacher, who lives in Atlanta, a middle aged fellow, tell me last year that he would never ride the subway in Atlanta because too many African Americans [he did not use this term] ride the subway. I had ridden the Atlanta subway and found it a great way to get around and from and to the airport.
It appears from the above post and from an earlier one by Crabtownboy that prejudice is alive and well on this Forum. I invite those who disagree to visit the thread Are there Catholics and Orthodox that are practicing and saved? on the Other Denominartions Forum where some are perfectly willing to condem all these people to hell.
But I digress. It appears that Crabtownboy harbors some prejudice or bias towards Southerners. I don’t know why since he claims to have been raised in the South. I was raised in the segregated South [Virginia] and perhaps have been around longer than Crabtownboy. I believe though the South was segregated there was much less racial animosity in the South than in many northern cities. I recall the race riots in Detroit during WWII. During the Civil Rights movement most of the really big riots occurred in the northern cities. Was that the result of prejudice? I don’t know. Is there still racial animosoty in the South? Yes! But it exists among both black and white. Is there racial animosoty in the rest of the country? Yes! All one has to do is watch the news but it exists among both black and white.
I will say right now that I doubt that there is anyone who is free of prejudice of one sort or another, and that includes Christians. Liberals will piously clain that they are except when it comes to hating conservatives. I also expect that there is a little racial prejudice among all of us, red, yellow, black, brown, and white. I have found that when I view people as individuals, rather than as a group, there is much less tendency for racial prejudice.
I have indicated elsewhere my disdain for obama. Anyone who believes that it is acceptable to slaughter unborn and just born children is deserving of hate because that person is the epitomy of evil and a willing or unwilling servant of Satan. What is the difference between obama and "killer diller" of Kansas? Someone please tell me.
May I simply state what GOD states in Proverbs 6:16ff
These six things doth the Lord hate: .... hands that shed innocent blood.
God hates hands that shed innocent blood. Those hands represent a person! Is anything more innocent than an unborn or just born child? NO!
In closing I am going to steal a post by Rippon.
"It's not a commandment as such, but David apparently had righteous hatred in Psalm 139:21,22.
Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you?
I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies."
And David was a man after GOD's own heart!
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