I pointed you to evidence.
Your source was
www.baptistboard.com. Kind of vague.
You are very confused.
Really? Do you want to rethink this and try again.
No. Do you want to attempt a response?
You treat the problem and the symptom goes with it. Liberals only want to treat the symptoms for their political gain. The result is socialism.
That is very cynical, and unnecessarily divisive. Blah blah blah, conservatives have perfect motives, and liberals are perfectly evil, blah, blah, blah. Not very conducive to intelligent discussion.
No you don't want to and this is a distortion of what I said. I did not speak to single I am referring to the collective.
You said everyone needs to contribute for everyone to have their needs met. Totally false assertion you made. Perhaps you want to revise?
You did offer both the context and the interpretation. That passage has nothing to do with how we should treat the poor. It is about salvation alone.
At face value, it seems that Jesus connected the two together (albeit with a touch of hyperbole). Do you interpret otherwise? Can a person be saved and then neglect the poor? How about Zacchaeus? What did Jesus say when he offered to make multiple times what he wrongly took in taxes? Jesus said "salvation has come to this house". We are God's workmanship, created in Christ to do good works. True religion is this, taking care of orphans and widows in their distress. It doesn't say, 'teach the orphans and widows to fish, so they can fend for themselves.' Not saying it wouldn't be a good idea for people to fend for themselves, but that we are called to care for the needy regardless of whether we are also able to teach them to fend for themselves.
I did answer your question. Go back and read it. Your comparison is false.
I re-read it, and still don't see your answer. Try again.
That government does these things more efficiently.
The context is what defines a socialist, not whether socialism is valid. What I said stands.
Mo you do not like it and wish to attack it.Nothing more. the statement is clear.
No government and liberals like to treat symptoms so as to get votes they do not want to solve problems then they would not be needed and would have no reason to garner votes.
Try adding some commans and semi-colons, or something. I'm pretty sure there is a comma after "No".
Here's what might be better, "No. Governments and liberals like to treat symptoms so as to get votes. They do not want to solve problems because if they did so, their policies would no longer be needed, and people wouldn't have a reason to vote for them.
Run-on sentences without punctuation are difficult to read. It's easy for you to read, since you wrote it, and you know the intention, which helps you interpret your own comments.
It was and still is unconstitutional
Because in this country they are unconstitutional at the federal level so they are a no starter. And we are discussing health care in America.
You are addressing a legal issue, which has nothing to do with the efficiency or effectiveness of government social programs. I'm not an American constitutional expert. I don't think Obama's health care program is going to be legally challenged due to constitutional issues.
Yes you do you just do not like it.
I quite like the health care in Canada. Everyone has coverage, it contains costs very well, and it is administratively simple. Why would you say I do not like it? Do you think I envy America's health care system? I don't. I know very few Canadians who envy it. America's system is an unnecessary drain on the economy.
Even if this were true,and it is not, one fact does not lead to another automatically.
It is not true? Sheesh, the US spends 50% more as a % of GDP on healthcare than Canada. Why do you say it isn't true? The data is readily available.
The US spends 15.3%. Canada spends 10.0%.
Avg life expectancy is 80.34 in Canada vs 78.6.
Who's getting better bang for the buck?
Are there any countries that spend more on health care than the US?
reread your statement and see if you are satisfied with it.
Yes, I am.