Huh? How is Socialism anti-Christian?
I only have to point to the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. If you have never read this book, I think it behooves everyone to take an afternoon and read the entire book.
The book demonstrates that socialism and communism's main goal is not merely economic, rather it is not economic at all except that it fulfills their larger goal. Marx relates that in order for their larger goals to work you need to reconstruct society economically and socially, otherwise it will all fail (and I think this is true and hard to argue against in the fact that if you think socialism is economic, you must eventually get to the other areas or face failure.).
The goals of socialism and communism are the same, to relieve oppression of the working class. Every entity, they say, is there to serve the working class and any social entity that could be viewed as oppressed should be freed from this oppression. This includes taking kids from their parents, not just abused kids, all kids.
Many modern communists/socialists agree, so they advocate putting social institutions under the control of government for the sole benefit of the working class in a massive social engineering plan for workers, but they also attack the family system. Marx relays that the family is an invention for the propagation of non-working class (middle and upper classes). He believes this is an oppressive regime and should be done away with. This is not an "out there" proposal, I researched and found several advocates of his beliefs today as they believe that when socialism and communism takes over more and more, the family become useless and outdated, that it will and should die. Only when this dies, can true liberation of the working class be advanced. As Marx noted, the family will no longer be needed for the socialization of kids. These kids will be wards of the state brought up to serve the working class.
He does not stop there. They believe the biggest enemy to socialism/communism is religion itself as we will fight the radical social engineering that takes place. He sees religion as a prop to the middle/upper class. The middle and upper classes, though, he believes are evil and should now serve the working class. If you are a stay-at-home mother, you are doing nothing to serve the working class and thus you should be forced to do such. Your kids, should be socialized by the state to think like the state, educated for the state, and should not have the benefits of a family who could harm you through thoughts not centered on advancing the working class.
They believed their view would never work unless they controlled the social engineering, and this is still the thought today. I have pulled up many philosophers who are pro socialism and communism, who almost all agree this is not an economic issue, but an entire social engineering that manifests itself economically. Marx noted that socialism is the first logical step and helps to controlling people to eventually complete social engineering. Ultimately until you grab all the social entities it will fail. He did not believe you can separate the two.
I wrote a short article on this
here. BTW, I am not the only Christian who has said as much, there are many theologians I have read who agree that after reading Marx and then reading others in the communist/socialist movement that this is an
anti-Christian movement. Christians who advocate for economic socialism, do not understand that it will never work in a non-socialist culture where social engineering has occured (Marx was atleast logically consistent and understanding that it would fail otherwise). Marx and others are consistent in seeing the problems and actual struggles that will occur, so they take over every social entity.
If you advocate socialism as neutral, first read the Communist Manifesto then read other of Marx's works. I stand with other theologians in calling it evil, even Satanic.