Companies don't want to spend money for a clean environment. A look at what's happened for the last 50 years clearly demonstrates that. They will do the least under the law. If there aren't any government regulations, they will do nothing. Name one company which out of the goodness of their heart cleaned up the environment.
The article you point to isn't about socialism. It's about communism. There is a big difference. I would agree that communism has failed miserably. Even Russia and China are adopting capitalist opportunities. Democratic socialism, on the other hand, has worked well in countries like the UK and Denmark to preserve a decent environment.
Democratic socialism doesn't work well. The UK and Denmark are not Democratic Socialist. Denmark is a free market economy. The UK is also not Democratic Socialist. It is a market economy. The government of the UK does not own the means of production. The United States, Australia, New Zealand, the UK are all very similar in that way and rely on a capitalist, not a socialist model.
Venezuela is a Democratic Socialist Country. North Korea is a Democratic Socialist Country. The Nazis were Democratic Socialists.
Liberals are always pointing to European countries as "Democratic Socialist" in nature like Sweden, Denmark and the other Nordic countries, but they are not Democratic Socialist, at all. Bernie Sanders is always pointing to those Nordic countries and is never challenged on it. But he doesn't know what he is talking about.
Democratic Socialism is tyrannical/totalitarian and mostly in the third world. The line between Communism and Democratic Socialism is a very thin line. In fact, Karl Marx viewed socialism as a stepping stone to Communism. He didn't view socialism as the goal, but a means to achieving the goal, which in his eyes was Communism.
What attracts liberals to Democratic socialism (besides their overall ignorance about what socialism is) is that word, "Democratic." They seem to think that it westernizes and sanitizes socialism for western consumption.
Socialism impoverishes the masses. It makes them all equally poor. Just look at Venezuela and North Korea, both who are Democratic Socialist nations. The people at the top of the food chain are wealthy and fat. The average person in those countries lives in a hell hole. They have no money, hardly any food. Venezuelans are digging through sewers for food.
Liberals need to take about six months and go live in a truly Democratic Socialist country and see what is really is like before heaping praise on a very totalitarian, evil form of government. This is why Liberals should not have their hands on the levers of power in this country. Liberalism would take us into a socialist hell hole like Venezuela.