'm honored Jim ! You prepare the tea, i'll bring the cakes and the chocolates. To all, i'm speaking from the heart. I don't encourage laziness, or force anyone to share. But our world is more and more individualist, and i consider myself a progressist (and not a polical leftist), by willing to do so that everyone can have a minimum. Of course, everyone must make an effort, in terms or integration if he comes from a foreign country, learn the language, meet people from his new nation, find a job and so on ... everyone must try hard to find some work, and learn new competences if necessary. There are so many topics about that. I'm straight in one thing : we must give people the possibility to learn the langage, to find the job, ... if these possibilities clearly exist, and people don't follow, then they've got NO excuse, and i won't support them. Let's start by giving and sharing, we'll at least know we've done the right thing. A shelter and enough to eat everyday, that would be normal, no ?
I'm glad you like Jim, He's a good fellow (for the most part). But, the rest of your post qualifies for the bed wetting liberal award of the year. It would be nice if everyone had a shelter and enough to eat everyday but for those who won't work, who won't contribute, who won't achieve, and expect everyone else to take care of them, don't give them anything. Entitlements, welfare, etc. do nothing but to perpetuate poverty and lead to the eventual downfall of a nation as more and more people begin to think just like you do (ie. "I deserve three squares, a place to live, and cable t.v. to boot. And, the man who has more channels than I do is evil."). Everyone is not entitled to three squares a day nor a roof over his or her head. . Everyone is not entitled to a free this and a free that. Only a bed wetting liberal advocate taking from the achievers and those who work hard and giving it to those who don't and won't. Ok, let's all hold hands and break into singing John Lennon's song. "Imagine there's no......"