I hope nobody uses their mortgage to get that mortgage interest deduction on their taxes. Why that would be disclosing your mortgage information to the government.
Just thinking out loud here.... You'll tell the tax lady or feller, your banker, the gal that filed your loan at the county, the finance guy at the car dealer, nameless faces that process credit applications, your buddy down at the coffee shop and Uncle Joe at Thanksgiving all about having a mortgage on the home farm but if the evil empire asks y'all a simple question on the census form it's time for rebellion.
It is not rebellion to refuse what the law doesn't require. Merely asking the question doesn't make it a lawful question for you to answer. If I ask you how much money you make and whats the mortgage on your home, how much do you weigh, and what did that suit cost you.... You'd be right to tell me its none of my business. But you will tell the government and all the strangers through whos hands this information passes the information which is none of their business?
While I'm still thinking... Every question asked on the census could be answered from independent sources. Shoot, stop by our local coffee shop and the boys in there will tell you things about myself that I didn't even know. That not withstanding a credit application, last year's tax return and a records search at the DMV should cover it. Problem there is that kind of leg work is labor intensive. Time is money. Census folk would have to spend hours digging for information you could have provided in ten minutes. Then we could have another thread on how the census wastes billions of dollars because census workers are reviewing records from the credit bureau, the IRS and standing in line at the DMV.
The problem is, if it concerns the needs of your community or your states' need for information .....they already have their sources and collating that information is not as difficult as you may think for them to conduct their business. But this information cannot be used by the federal government for any business at that level which is constitutional.
But maybe you'd prefer to scrap the constitution? Maybe you don't understand that to keep the rights to things which are your business, you must protect and exercise your rights of choice... or you join with others who don't know their rights until someday... they are taken away. Then our rights will be 'privileges' and those 'privileges' will come and go as it best suits the government's interest.
So why is it none of the government's business to know my business when it is the census but when it comes to doing the taxes I want them to know - to the penny - how much interest I paid? :wavey:
You know, Padre, just because you can reduce your taxes by claiming your mortgage interest doesn't mean you have to. Just because you may tithe and give to charity and have enough to claim against taxes, doesn't mean you have to report it. You are required by law to report to the IRS your total income and the taxes already withheld and adjust for dependents, and pay any tax left due. These are under the tax code and I suggest that you're wise to used these to help reduce your taxes.... but not all that you report is required by law, even on the tax form. You do have to sign copy which amounts to an oath that you correctly gave the report, and they might do an audit whether random or based on information which you didn't report to see if you over paid or underpaid your taxes.
But the census, according to the constitution is for one thing and one thing only..... to determine the number of representatives are properly proportioned to each state and to determine what the central government has the right to expect in proportionate revenue from each state for the running of its affairs.
I don't care what your name sounds like, or what you look like: You are either an American citizen or you are not.... and I would not vote for a person if I knew he was not an American citizen. After that, it is the quality of his character and his consistency to stick by his principles and what those are .... which determine whether I trust him. If his principles agree with mine.... then he'll get my vote. If his principles do not agree with mine.... as long as he has some.... I will trust him to do as his principles direct, regardless of whether I vote for him or not... and to that extent he still has my regard.
But, if I know that my race will make a difference in that man's ability to represent me, then he doesn't deserve my vote. I am an American. I could be Black, or Hispanic, Indian, or Chinese. Whatever those are and what it means to me is roots and heritage of which I take personal pride in knowing that I had fathers and they had fathers and they had fathers before them. But I am first and foremost a human being and an American. If I left family behind, I want them to know I am an American and they can feel proud that their own is living in America and is an American. I choose for myself and my countrymen not to label myself or accept other divisions unless talking of geneology or experience or culture. I would expect others to take my citizenship seriously...and refuse to acknowledge those who would try to make or create or sustain that there is a difference between me and other citizens. They are the ones with problems and not me. I am first and last an American with nothing between.
If I came to this country from elsewhere... it was not to cast off my roots and pride in heritage.... but it was to be counted as an American and one with my new homeland and the people I adopt as my own. It was not to be counted as though different. It was not to be ignored or treated as though I'm second class. It was not to be patronized and courted as though my loyalty and vote were prostituted and for sale. It was not so I, if ever elected to office, could divide my constituents into groups and pass laws to favor some and hurt others. No, my heritage and my race is a God given unalterable gift which neither I nor others can change and I live in a country where it makes no difference except to those who are small and weak and unworthy of regard by those who are free and intelligent and who count me as an equal.
I'm not telling you that it is wrong to answer these questions. What I am saying is that this instrument for taking the census is doing much more and will be used for much more than what our founders intended when those questions are answered and the tabulations come in.
Earlier I cited that the census was used to round up American citizens of Japanese decent. That is evil. No American citizen should be challenged in his citizenship without more cause than a heritage or race which cannot be changed. If it didn't matter then these questions wouldn't be asked. If it does matter than for what purpose does it matter and how can this data be used later. Oh, you have a home with 5 bedrooms and two full baths and a half, but only 2 people occupying? It may not matter that you use one as your office to prepare sermons for Sunday or to counsel couples getting married.... or that your wife uses one as a sewing/guest room combo, or that your kid gets home from college breaks and holidays to stay in the fifth... or that you share space with visiting clergy or family who travel a long distance, to reduce their expenses for motels: A crisis occurs and the government determines it needs your space more than you do... and under executive orders and martial law.... you may protest, you may be arrested, but the government will then take power over you and the use of what you have. It will not be the same as dealing with those in your own community, which will likely offer choices and the appeal of shared compassion will motivate you to contribute as you can: You have voluntarily placed the possessions which God has given you on the inventory sheet for BIG government to count amongst its many possessions. If it needs it, it can take it... immanent domain is hard to fight when government lawyers can present a compelling case which you can't lawyer up enough to fight. You have voluntarily shown 'your colors' and if they deem you to be less privileged, or more vulnerable to a particular type of manipulation or tactic..... you gave them the ammo to shoot back. You would not stereotype yourself... why offer them the opportunity to divide you off from other Americans... and think of you differently.
Do as you will. You break no law in voluntary answering anything the government ask of you.... and, if they ask, you break no law in giving them everything they want or offering more.
I just see these things differently from many and maybe most people, as I become more acquainted with we have become conditioned to yield to every request and accept at face value the explanations which are given that sedate us into believing that everyone and every device created by man is to serve for our good..... when we fail to realize, we live in a fallen world: We either yield up our rights and volunteer information which can only be given voluntarily.... or we draw a line, not against the law, but against its unnecessary and unsupported intrusions which can be used for evil or for good.
Keep thinking dear Padre. This goes deeper than it appears on the surface. But if you keep thinking..... you've won half the battle.... whether you can agree with me now or not. Don't be discouraged. Keep thinking.