Another example of "news" in the chryon crawl:
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Yes, and I've noticed that on at least a couple of progressive left "news" shows they outright lied about Trump's comments regarding the economy, reminiscent of MSM remarks following his acceptance speech, where switching from channel to channel evinced the exact same negative rhetoric, as if scripted by the same source, yet which had nothing to do with his actual speech. This sort of thing plays out frequently on TV "programming" making it look like collusion on a massive scale—"We control the vertical. We control the horizontal."I'm starting to see a lot of articles like this one in the left wing press. Remember folks, prediction stories are Fake News. By definition whatever is in the story hasn't happened yet, so it's not news. Also, these kinds of stories are opinion pieces.
I read this article in my local Sunday paper and it was filled with falsehoods, like, "the US economy is growing at a roughly 2% rate" (yes, US grew at 2.1% in 2nd quarter, but was at 3.1% in 1st quarter and every quarter except one since Trump became president it had been well above 2%).
"The dot-com crash of 2000 was accentuated by the terror attacks of 9/11.” (The dot-com crash occured in March 2000, eighteen months before the terror attacks.)
"Businesses have taken on more debt which leaves then more vulnerable to failure..." (Not untrue, but most businesses are paying off debt)
On and on the article goes with doom and gloom, filled with phrases like, "if businesses pull back on investment spending" and "if consumer confidence declines" and "if this and if that..."
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Well, at least you don’t have to worry Communist China might interfere in US elections. It’s certain.They continue to manipulate everything. Somebody needs to go down. There is no freedom when people can arbitrarily decide that you don’t exist.
INVESTIGATION: Meet The Googler Mass Deleting Trump Supporters From YouTube — FULCRUM
Biden Saved Big Bucks Using Tax Loophole Obama tried to Close: Report
Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is running for president in 2020, used a tax strategy former President Barack Obama likely would not have approved of.
Biden released additional years’ worth of tax returns this week, revealing that he and his wife funneled profits from their books and speeches through S corporations, as first noted by The Wall Street Journal. The controversial tax savings strategy – which Obama had tried to close – saved the couple as much as $500,000.
The loophole is known as the Gingrich-Edwards loophole, and Obama had called for its end as part of one of his budgets. It essentially allows self-employed people to set up an S corporation in order to avoid payroll taxes – including Social Security and Medicare taxes.
Biden saved big bucks using tax loophole Obama tried to close: Report
Notice the phrase "Big Bucks", an informal way to refer to money carrying a negative connotation to it, as if it was ill-gotten gains. Also notice the phrase "Tax Loophole", implying this is some sort of a rich person's way of gaming the system.
There is no "loophole". People don't "funnel" profits through S corporations, since all profits must be distributed to shareholders.
What Biden did was a completely legitimate and legal way to declare profits from an S corporation.
Without getting too technical, shareholders of an S corporation could be, and frequently are, employees of that S corporation. At the end of the tax year each S Corporation must pass through all profits to the shareholders. These profits are taxed according to corporate tax rates. However, if an owner of an S Corp is also an employee, some of the profit paid out by the corporation must be counted as wages. When counted as wages they are subject to FICA and Medicare withholding as well as federal income tax withholding. It's up to each S corp to decide how much to distribute on wages and how much to distribute as taxable corporate profits. The less money that is declared as wages means less is subject to FICA and Medicare taxes.
The strategy is to try to declare the minimum amount of wages earned. The article says the Bidens could have saved up to $500,000 in FICA and Medicare taxes. This means that they grossed about $3.29M for the year. ($500K is 15.2% of $3.29M)
Since they made their money from book sales and speeches it would be unfair to characterize the entire $3.29M as wages. Writing a book might take a couple of months; writing a speech maybe a day. Once they are in the can, the work is essentially over, the rest is profit.
According to law, the IRS will decide if the amount the Biden's earmarked for wages was fair or not. There is no loophole being exploited.
Biden is treated so unfairly in the media. Hopefully you'll be there quell the injustice.
You've ascribed motivations to me that I do not hold. Not surprised as it's one of your favorite "debate" techniques....
The self-pity is getting old ITL. You don't even have a sense of humor anymore. (I thought I sensed one, and one time.)
So you merely chimed in on this thread to take shots at me. Understood.
Carry on.