Well since Jesus does not accept the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation then it is not a sin that I as a Baptized Catholic receive the wafer and the chalice of wine.
And how do you know what Jesus really believes about this doctrine? The Catholic Church has explained the "Real Presence" though the concept of transubstantiation. You do not accept this most important part of the Catholic faith, therefore that action removes yourself from being a believing Catholic.
You do not believe in the Catholic teaching of baptism being a sacrament that leaves an "indelible" mark on the soul and thus can only be performed once by on person either. So that's two places where you explicitly reject Catholic teachings.
Let us go on and explore what else of Catholic teachings you now reject. Do you or do you not believe in the other 5 sacraments as taught by the Church?
1. Marriage.
2. Holy Orders (Priestly Ordination).
3. Reconciliation (or Confession to a priest).
4. The Anointing of the Sick (or healing prayer).
5. Confirmation. (The descent of the Holy Spirit).