Darron Steele
New Member
Ma'am: I am not going to argue with you.The article also addresses Daron Steele (and many other fundamentalist) objection based on God existing long before Mary came onto the scene. Please read all the article to get the perspective of many other theologians other than Catholic.
I do not argue with the types of people who insist on advancing premises that are absolutely ridiculous. In general, I do not argue with people who insist
1) that laws against gun ownership will deter people from breaking laws against murder,
2) that we are all descendants of a monkey-like creature born wrong,
3) that a person can believe the Bible without really believing it,
4) that peace is possible without all parties desiring it,
5) that withholding benefits afforded the general public from religious entities is not religious discrimination,
6) that abortion is not murdering a baby,
7) that unruly teenagers have as much or more credence than well-trained, vigorously tested and vetted teachers,
8) that mathematical understanding exists even if the student cannot do problems accurately,
9) that being more concerned about wrongdoers than victims is `compassionate' and not partiality to wrongdoers,
10) that an uninformed opinion can outweigh an informed viewpoint
and/or who insist on similarly preposterous ideas.
Similarly, I do not argue with people who insist that a woman can be mother to someone or Someone who existed before her. I point out the folly, but after that, I do not waste my time.
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