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A friend of mine, who is a fellow pastor, sent me one of his messages and as I was reading it this morning he made the following statement..........
“Jeremiah was Judah's last prophet before going into Babylonian Captivity.
He was called by the Lord to begin his ministry during the reign of Judah's boy
king, King Josiah. In 2 Kings 22:1-23:30 we are given the record of Josiah's reign.
Josiah's father (Amon) and grandfather (Manasseh) were evil men whose love for
sin and wickedness led them to forsake the True God of Israel and attempt to replace
Him with false gods who accepted and even encouraged sin and wickedness
in the lives of their followers. (That is the kind of god America has now adopted.)
We have "... changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made
like corruptible man ..."[Romans 1:23] They would also lead the Nation of
Judah into forsaking the Lord for pagan gods and to live wickedly as well.”
Well, as I read this scripture reference, it just didn’t sound right; So I grabbed by Bible and looked up Romans 1:23, and here is what I found...........
Romans 1:23
“And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”
Sure enough he had left the word “to”, out of his quotation, to make is sound better.
I paused and thought about it a moment and wondered if maybe I was being a little too nit-picky when it comes to “exactly quoting” Scripture.
And as I was meditating upon this is what I realized.
Satan’s attack upon the Word of God(in these last days), has forced me to become nit-picky about the KJB.
This attitude that I have about the Bible, is kind of like driving a stake at my present view of God’s Word, to keep myself from sliding away from the Bible translation the Church had accepted as God’s Word for all these years.
It would be easy for anyone to slide away form God’s Word, the way that every new English version of the Bible, changes it a little bit more and a little bit more.....
The only people who don’t seemed to be concerned about this, are those who are willing to put 100% confidence in the honesty of today’s Bible publishers.
I know what some of you are about to say to me........
“Aren’t you putting 100% confidence in the translators of the KJB??”
No I am not. My confidence is in God, who’s Holy Spirit was in all the millions of Christians over the last 400 years, who have accepted the KJB as God’s preserved Word!
“Jeremiah was Judah's last prophet before going into Babylonian Captivity.
He was called by the Lord to begin his ministry during the reign of Judah's boy
king, King Josiah. In 2 Kings 22:1-23:30 we are given the record of Josiah's reign.
Josiah's father (Amon) and grandfather (Manasseh) were evil men whose love for
sin and wickedness led them to forsake the True God of Israel and attempt to replace
Him with false gods who accepted and even encouraged sin and wickedness
in the lives of their followers. (That is the kind of god America has now adopted.)
We have "... changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made
like corruptible man ..."[Romans 1:23] They would also lead the Nation of
Judah into forsaking the Lord for pagan gods and to live wickedly as well.”
Well, as I read this scripture reference, it just didn’t sound right; So I grabbed by Bible and looked up Romans 1:23, and here is what I found...........
Romans 1:23
“And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”
Sure enough he had left the word “to”, out of his quotation, to make is sound better.
I paused and thought about it a moment and wondered if maybe I was being a little too nit-picky when it comes to “exactly quoting” Scripture.
And as I was meditating upon this is what I realized.
Satan’s attack upon the Word of God(in these last days), has forced me to become nit-picky about the KJB.
This attitude that I have about the Bible, is kind of like driving a stake at my present view of God’s Word, to keep myself from sliding away from the Bible translation the Church had accepted as God’s Word for all these years.
It would be easy for anyone to slide away form God’s Word, the way that every new English version of the Bible, changes it a little bit more and a little bit more.....
The only people who don’t seemed to be concerned about this, are those who are willing to put 100% confidence in the honesty of today’s Bible publishers.
I know what some of you are about to say to me........
“Aren’t you putting 100% confidence in the translators of the KJB??”
No I am not. My confidence is in God, who’s Holy Spirit was in all the millions of Christians over the last 400 years, who have accepted the KJB as God’s preserved Word!