This is from another thread to Phillip: (didn't want to hijack that thread)
RE: SEPT. 11, 2001 From William J. Murray (Evangelist son of atheist Madeline Murray O'Hare)
Before I read the above statement from RFC, a C-span caller had called in to say the same info about the imam. Later googling verified the info re: this imam is correct.
IMO, with this attitude, it is but a small step from speaking Biblical truth to that being called a hate crime.
This is just too politically correct if we are truly fighting a war on terror, IMO.
Islam - Bush remarks from White House web site:
RE: The DC snipers:
A couple of threads on this topic previously posted here on BB:;f=1;t=000690;f=1;t=000719
It is not that President Bush doesn't know. Many Conservative Evangelical leaders have written to him or had informal face-to-face meetings with him over these things.
I know this is a sore subject for many folks. Now that the war in Iraq is pretty much over, I feel at liberty to address these topics once again. They are disturbing to me. And now there is the Road Map thing, making deals with terrorists, those who support Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa Martyr Brigade.
Thanks for asking, Phillip - Draw your own conclusions.
Originally posted by SheEagle9/11:
I don't support the way he has turned his back on his base - Evangelical Christians.
Phillip, I am going to post some items which leads me to believe President Bush has turned his back on his base - the Evangelical Christians. I'm sure others here will not agree - so debate at will, but I won't be debating.I am not writing this to disagree with you. I am interested in your statement that he turned his back on Evangelical Christians. Can you elaborate and maybe provide some examples. I am not saying he didn't, I would really like to know where this information came from, because, if true, it is very disappointing to me.
Thank you.

RE: SEPT. 11, 2001 From William J. Murray (Evangelist son of atheist Madeline Murray O'Hare)
Link:FRIDAY THE 14TH (09/14/01)
My stomach churned as I watched Muzammil Siddiqi, the Imam for the Islamic Society of North America, stand on stage with President George W. Bush in the National Cathedral.
Imam Siddiqi is a radical extremist who has participated in anti-American demonstrations in front of the White House as recently as October of 2000. He has in the past called for a Jihad or holy war against this nation. While the Christian and Jewish leaders at the event prayed for our nation and for the dead and dying from the attack, Imam Siddiqi did not do so. At no time did he condemn the acts of the terrorists nor did he pray for America or for the families of those who lost their lives in the Jihad attack against the United States.
Indeed even the liberal Washington Post was left wondering by his words. Liberal Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer made this observation of the Imam’s behavior on stage with President Bush:
"Why did the spiritual leader of the Islamic Society of North America, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, not say that such terrorism is contrary to Islam in his address at the national prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral?
His words went out around the world. Yet he was vague and elusive. ‘But those that lay the plots of evil, for them is a terrible penalty.’ Very true. But who are the layers of plots of evil? Those who perpetrated the World Trade Center attack? Or America, as thousands of Muslims in the street claim? The imam might have made that clear. He did not."
As the service closed I felt the chill of the presence of the awesome power of God. I was clearly reminded of the very first of the Ten Commandments, THOU SHALT HAVE NTHER GODS BEFORE ME (Exodus 20:3). The National Cathedral had been defiled by prayers to a pagan moon god, Allah. Our Christian President had bowed his head to prayers offered to other gods, prayers that may have been for those who would destroy our nation and enslave our children to an alien religion. At that moment the hand of protection of the true God was removed from our nation.
Since the Jihad attack on the United States on September 11th the President has surrounded himself with and sought advice from radical Islamic leaders who have openly called for the violent overthrow of the government of the United States. In addition, the President has invited six of the seven Islamic nations known to sponsor terror into his "coalition against terror".
By late Friday it became apparent to me that our nation was in fact not going to fight a war on terrorism, but rather follow the same old track of "punishing those who actually committed the crime." This was not a "crime;" it was an act of war.
Before I read the above statement from RFC, a C-span caller had called in to say the same info about the imam. Later googling verified the info re: this imam is correct.
Link:Is Bush's Tollerance of Islam Eroding His Evangelical Base?
(AgapePress) - Religious political correctness continues to be a growing theme at the White House.
In December, the President welcomed two dozen Muslim children to celebrate Eid, a three-day feast which follows Ramadan. He told the children that Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all great faiths and have a lot in common.
Many Christians are troubled that Bush has tried to portray Islam as being a faith that is on an equal footing with Christianity and seems to be promoting the idea that there are many paths to God. In fact, there is a report that some conservative Christians feel the President is being too nice in his displays of tolerance toward the religion - among them, his hosting of a Ramadan celebration at the White House, the first ever held there and attended by a U.S. president.
Link:Nov. 18 — The nation's leading evangelical Christians have been thundering against Islam, both from the pulpit and on television.
Bush Administration Responds
For months, President Bush, who frequently says Islam is a religion of peace, declined to condemn these statements. Until now. A few days ago, he said, "Some of the comments that have been uttered about Islam do not reflect the sentiments of my government or the sentiments of most Americans."
Secretary of State Colin Powell followed suit. "This kind of hatred must be rejected," he said. "This kind of language must be spoken out against."
IMO, with this attitude, it is but a small step from speaking Biblical truth to that being called a hate crime.
Islam - Bush remarks from White House web site:
The linK (there are others re: this):Muslims to pray in the White House
By Ben Fenton in Washington
(Filed: 16/11/2001)
PRESIDENT BUSH, eager to improve America's reputation in the Muslim world, will welcome 50 ambassadors from Islamic countries for a traditional meal and prayer at the White House on Monday to mark the start of Ramadan.
It is thought to be the first time that Muslims will have knelt and touched the floor with their foreheads in a formal ceremony in the official home of American presidents.
In another unprecedented event, the Muslim chaplain of Georgetown University officiated at the opening prayers of the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill yesterday.
Charlotte Beers, who has been chosen to take charge of an American-led campaign to build support in the Muslim world, said that the White House and State Department wanted to show sensitivity to the importance of Ramadan.
RE: The DC snipers: Justice Department appears to be under direct orders from the White House not to offend any more "American" Muslims than absolutely required in the war on terror. The White House sees itself under fire from groups such as the ACLU for "targeting" Muslims. Also the Republican party still believes that Muslims can be convinced to vote for their candidates.
Indeed there is a big drive to recruit Muslims into the Republican Party. Thus there was political pressure not to investigate Muslim connections to the shootings.
A couple of threads on this topic previously posted here on BB:;f=1;t=000690;f=1;t=000719
It is not that President Bush doesn't know. Many Conservative Evangelical leaders have written to him or had informal face-to-face meetings with him over these things.
I know this is a sore subject for many folks. Now that the war in Iraq is pretty much over, I feel at liberty to address these topics once again. They are disturbing to me. And now there is the Road Map thing, making deals with terrorists, those who support Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa Martyr Brigade.

Thanks for asking, Phillip - Draw your own conclusions.