Controversy warning!!!
I wonder how many respondents on this topic that are saying, "this is in the past," and "we have already apologized" and "no reparations are in order" are white southerns. It is not for us to say "it is in the past," and reparations are not in order. Southern Baptists offer up a pathetic apology for racism and claim it is an apology for their practice of and denfese of slavery. I am surprised a sing African American would want to become a part of and SOuthern Baptist Church. There are a great many Southern Baptists who will do all they can to keep the truth of this matter out of sight from African Americans.
CONTROVERSY WARNING: For those who are weak-of-heart stop reading now because I am NOT politically-correct and you may be offended!!!
I am a resident and a product of the deep south and have lived here all my life. I was raised in an SBC church and although my sympathies lie more with IFB churches these days I still attend a small conservative SBC assembly. I am 58 years old and have lived through all the
racially-charged unrest over the last 50+ years even experiencing some of the results of it. My old (now deceased) SBC grandparents were raised to believe and practice that the only black folks who entered their home were people that WORKED THERE. My old Granddad regularly used the "N" word when talking about them...but NEVER in a mean way...oddly enough I actually think he used it as a term of some form of endearment(although I do NOT endorse such use today). What was strange was the unusual affection they actually had for those folks. My parents actually employed a black "maid" and paid her well for the work she did. I loved that lady like she was my mom. Her name was Mrs. Mary Davis and I can tell you that in all the years since I knew her I have never tasted a chocolate-iced yellow layer cake like the ones she used to make! She was a wonderfully affectioned part of our family for most of my pre-teen years in Spartanburg,SC. All that said...I was the first and only member of my family to ever bring home one of my black friends from high school in the late-60's. My friend Clarence and his two brothers Tank, and TJ (both on the football team:laugh
were some of my closest friends and I often wonder what happened to them. I met them while being involved in the Young Life club I was a part of in Charlottesville Va in the mid 60's. I loved those guys.I remember that it made my parents very "uncomfortable" due to their "up-bringing". For the record, to this unsaved brother is one of the most terribly prejudiced people that I know even to this very day. Over the years some of the best and most respected friends and acquaintances I have known have been black and I love them dearly. I guess I was the rebel in my family. For the record, the ONLY problem I have with our current President has nothing to do with the color of his skin but rather the nature of his politics and his morals(which STINK in my opinion). While I believe the Word of God does indeed acknowledge that the practice of servitude or "slavery" existed in this fallen world(and still does today), I in no way believe that it ENDORSES or positively directs or commands that the practice of it be perpetuated. Regardless of why the SBC was founded (and I was aware of it) it does NOT practice or endorse such behavior today so there is no point in taking the lid back off the garbage can at this point in time unless you have some warped political agenda. Any attempt to do so can only be some racially-charged attempt to incite or inflame people. Racist organizations like the NAACP and folks like Al Sharpton,Jesse Jackson (both of them "reverends"...imagine that),etc., (to name a few) have been attempting to do this kind of stuff for years. They are every bit as racist as the KKK and any of the white-supremacist groups in existence today in my opinion. I am definitely suspicious when someone like the "Rev."Dr. Carpenter wants to drag this stuff back up and try to get people all stirred up for no good reason. I repudiate the past and think the best thing to do is LEAVE IT THERE as much as possible while still acknowledging the facts of history. Without having actually read Dr. Carpenter's book all I can really say is that IF it just outlines a balanced account of the actual history then it will stand on the value of that. I have always believed there is truth in the cliche that says "he who does not know history is doomed to repeat it" in THAT there may be value. However....IF Dr. Carpenter's book is an attempt to lay a sense of misplaced GUILT on modern day Southern Baptists for the sins of their forefathers then I soundly reject that just as I do reject any idea that we need to apologize (OR PAY REPARATIONS) for something we had nothing to do with. The whole idea that we need to apologize OR pay anybody anything is a scam and should be dismissed as such. All that said...If someone offered me a copy of the book I might read it out of an interest in history (I do love history...mostly Bible,military,maritime,railroads,etc.) but I refuse to be sucked into a vacuum of misplaced guilt for something I had nothing to do with. I have enough I could feel guilty for (if it weren't for the Blood of Jesus! AMEN) without somebody trying to drop something on me that I have or had nothing to do with! to the racial thing....there are no true racial distinctions anyway....WE ARE ALL MEMBERS OF THE SAME RACE.......THE HUMAN RACE. It has been ably proven by groups such as Answers in Genesis and the venerable Institute For Creation Research that the differences in skin color and minor variations in physical features are nothing more than the product of minor variation in mixtures of genetic material and DNA as the human race AND the animal kingdom continue reproducing over the years since day one in the Garden of Eden. Humans are still humans, monkees are still monkees, dogs are still dogs, and cats are still cats. Evolution is a lie....but that is a topic for other threads.
In reference to all this about the past, I think we would all do well to regard the words of the apostle Paul, under God's direct inspiration who said, in Philippians 3:13 & 14:
"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
The bottom line is RACISM is just another sin that is a natural progression of the corruption of God's perfect creation that began in Genesis at the fall. He's going to bring things to a close and solve all this...and maybe VERY soon! As Bro.James says often...Even so,come Lord Jesus!