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All people, including "Calvinists" make choices every day. So your point is moot.To "accept" the truth would be a choice.
All people, including "Calvinists" make choices every day. So this point is moot also.Sounds like another choice was made.
Nobody I know who self-identifies as a "Calvinist" puts their faith in Calvin or Calvinism. Our faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ.You might believe in Calvinism and put your faith in Calvinism
I know of no person who self-identifies as a "Calvinist" who says that a person much believe in or obey "Calvinism."To imply that one must believe in, or obey, Calvinism to be saved
All people, including "Calvinists" make choices every day. So your point is moot.
I know of no person who self-identifies as a "Calvinist" who says that a person much believe in or obey "Calvinism."
He was quoting Charles Spurgeon, the famous English Baptist pastor. If you read the context in which Spurgeon said those words you would see how little you understand what was said.Since we know we must believe the gospel, and he says Calvinism is the gospel, that would mean you must believe Calvinism.
I didn't ignore what he said. I am just well read enough to know he was quoting Spurgeon, and I am well read enough to know what Spurgeon meant by that.I only responded to what he said. Commenting on what I say while ignoring what he said makes no sense at all.
He was quoting Charles Spurgeon, the famous English Baptist pastor.
So you don't believe justification by faith without works, the sovereignty of God in His dispensation of grace, the unchangeable eternal, immutable, conquering love of Jehovah is the gospel? Fine. But why are you on a Baptist discussion forum?
It is in the full explanation of the quote from Spurgeon. It is what he was talking about when he said "Calvinism is the gospel."LOL, how you come up with that is beyond me.
Then your argument is with Spurgeon (and the gospel).My argument is against saying "Calvinism is the gospel".
I didn't mention Calvin.You are saying that if a person disagrees with Calvin on any point they are disagreeing with the gospel.
I didn't mention Calvin.Disagreeing with Calvin, or not believing Calvin, is equated to disagreeing with God, or not believing God.
Am I comfortable with your claiming I believe something I don't believe, and your claiming I said something I didn't say? No. I am never comfortable with that sort of thing.If you are comfortable with that then go right ahead.
If you are not comfortable claiming I said things I didn't say perhaps you should quit saying so.I am not, and I will cringe every time I hear it.
Calvinism is NOT the Gospel, but it is the BEST way to understanding what the message and meaning of the Gospel is!LOL, how you come up with that is beyond me. My argument really has nothing to do with the beliefs of Calvin or what the gospel is. My argument is against saying "Calvinism is the gospel". You are saying that if a person disagrees with Calvin on any point they are disagreeing with the gospel. Disagreeing with Calvin, or not believing Calvin, is equated to disagreeing with God, or not believing God. If you are comfortable with that then go right ahead. I am not, and I will cringe every time I hear it.
@Calv1: Like a good reformer you take the long route to get to your point. [emoji41]
I too was raised in Arminian theology. Then I started reading the Bible objectively via an inductive Bible Study. As you said, the Sovereign work of God shouts from every page of the Scriptures.
All people, including "Calvinists" make choices every day. So your point is moot.
All people, including "Calvinists" make choices every day. So this point is moot also.
Nobody I know who self-identifies as a "Calvinist" puts their faith in Calvin or Calvinism. Our faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I know of no person who self-identifies as a "Calvinist" who says that a person much believe in or obey "Calvinism."
I am not much of a debater which is why I don't say much on here but I'll point out a couple things in your response to me.
You say this but then you say
Which sounds like a contradiction to what Calvinists believe. We don't "accept" the truth, the truth is given to us. To "accept" the truth would be a choice.
And then you say
Once again you say something that contradicts Calvinism. They can't understand without the Spirit. Sounds like another choice was made.
This sounds like something I would say. Calvinist say faith is given to us where stepping out in faith implies a choice.
Not all Calvinists believe what they say, or maybe I should say "practice what they preach". This is not limited to Arminians or JW's or Mormons or Baptists or anyone else.
You might believe in Calvinism and put your faith in Calvinism but sorry, Calvinism is not the gospel!!! The gospel is what must be believed, or as Paul says, "obeyed" in order to be saved and it is not Calvinism. To imply that one must believe in, or obey, Calvinism to be saved would be preaching another gospel and you know what Paul says about that. I do know some Calvinists that would strongly disagree with you on this. This would apply to anyone who believes Arminianism or any other "ism" is the gospel. There is one gospel and there is no other name attached to it.
You need to study Reformed Theology before debating it, sorry but you're embarrassing yourself and not even knowing it.
At this point I don't think it really matters to me. I didn't say Calvinists don't make choices, I didn't say you put your faith in Calvin and us in Jesus. I also didn't say I was attempting to debate Reformed Theology. It is pointless to say anything because you are going to hear what you want. You are obviously right and I'm not, you are obviously smart and I'm not. I have made no claim to be a scholar but I do not have a "hideous" misunderstanding of the Bible, nor am I ignorant of what Reformed Theology teaches. There sure may be some confusion on my part of what a Calvinist believes because they do not all say the same thing. You know nothing about me but have judged me as inferior in intelligence, ignorant, and accused me of making outrageous and ridiculous statements that I did not make. You come across as being very condescending and arrogant. I did make some very specific comments about things you said to me that I felt contradicted what others here have been debating. All you had to do was clarify what you meant and maybe the confusion would have cleared up. Instead you don't address what I say but answer something I didn't say in order to make what I'm questioning pointless (Mr. Cassidy took care of some of that for you). I have seen it happen on here over and over. If you question anything a Calvinist says they go into attack mode, with usually 2 or 3 ganging up on the one that questions them. Then they all high-five each other liking and agreeing with each others comments. As far as learning all about Reformed Theology or reading Calvin's Institutes, It's not a priority. Becoming a scholar is not a requirement for being a Christian and it does not make you better than others. I'm finished, you can continue on to the others you were attacking.
I find that reformed theologians, even though still dispy in some regards, are usually much more through in their writings on the scriptures, more meaty!I'm very sorry if you feel that way, trust me I don't mean to. I've just debating Arminians for so long, hear the same misrepresentations, but no once one thinks they are wise, they become a foolNo offence, and please be a friend.
This is just what I do, debate, and have for some time, at first it was AGAINST Calvs, then the truth of God's word won me over. So I apologize if I hurt your feelings in any way.
I find that reformed theologians, even though still dispy in some regards, are usually much more through in their writings on the scriptures, more meaty!
I do not mean that they are infallible or always right, but are really pressing in on deeper things of the faith than traditional name aot claim it stuff!yea that is what they like to tout about themselves.
Berkhof would be the best place to start!