God is the author of sin, that doesn't make him a sinner. Read the story of David's census in 2 Samuel 24 and in 1 Chronicles 21. It will give you good insite. Also read Genesis 50:20, and Acts 4:27-28.
Romans 8 is clear that all things work for the good of God's people. And Romans 9 is clear on that as well.
2 Samuel 24 says God was angry against Israel and so moved David against them. So this census was a judgment against Israel for their sins.
1 Chr 21 says Satan provoked David.
Now, this story is similar to Jonah, in that God allowed Satan to act to bring about a desired purpose. With Jonah, God allowed Satan to afflict Jonah to prove his love of God, Satan had claimed that Jonah was only faithful because he was blessed of God.
In this story, God is angry at Israel, and so allows Satan to provoke David to bring a judgment against the people.
In Gen 50:20, God allowed Joseph's brothers to sell him into slavery. He did not cause their hatred toward their brother, but used it to take Joseph down to Egypt where God knew Joseph would later deliver his people.
And in Acts, Peter is explaining that God allowed Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Gentiles and Israel to crucify Jesus to bring about his intended purpose. But it does not say he caused them to hate Jesus or that he commanded them to crucify Jesus.
The scriptures cannot contradict themselves. James 1:13 says that God does not tempt ANY man, but EVERY man is tempted when he is drawn away of his OWN lust.
You might claim God tempted Adam and Eve by putting the tree of the knowledge of good and evil within easy reach. Is that tempting them? No, because God clearly warned them that they would die if they ate of this tree.
But God did allow them choice. Choice is a good thing, because choice proves whether someone sincerely loves God. If you love God you will obey him.
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
God could have put a high fence around the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and then Adam and Eve could not have sinned, correct? But neither could they prove they loved God by being obediant to him.
Right now, you have a choice, you can prove to Jesus you love him by obeying his commandments, or you can choose to prove you do not love him by being disobediant. But if you did not have choice you could prove neither.
God is love. Love requires choice. God has to allow us some degree of freedom. He has to allow us to make our own choices. If he did not, he would not be loving toward us in that all men desire freedom, but also, we could not prove our love to him.
So, God had to put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in easy reach, otherwise there was no trust of them, and Adam and Eve could not prove their love by being obediant.
All parents of teenagers understand this. All parents are quite aware of how they acted at that age. Most of us did things we know our parents did not approve of. Nevertheless, we have to let go and allow our teens a degree of freedom. We have to take that chance that they will either go out and do those good things we taught them, or do those things that we do not approve of. We must allow them this freedom to prove
we trust them, but we must also allow them this freedom to prove
they love us. All parents of teens understand this.