I simply told you the truth. You ignored her question because you could not answer it. I said "if" you don't understand and "if" you think....
I never called you a single solitary name or said anything about your person.
Your tactic is like all false teachers, when they are unable to deal with substance and are exposed for not dealing with substance they assume the martyr characteristic and transform their exposure into some kind of personal persecution. That is an old bandwagon well worn out by every heretic in existence.
Now for facts:
1. The Human will has freedom within the nature of man not external to it. Not even God has a will "free" to act contrary to his own nature. He CANNOT will anything contrary to his own nature and neither can fallen man - Rom. 8:7-8 and that is precisely why Paul says such "CANNOT please God" (Rom. 8:8) nor can anyone who is "in the flesh" = unregnerated.
2. The new birth does not provide the human will with power to overcome indwelling sin (Rom. 7:18). The redeemed man has no more will power to overcome sin any more or less after regeneration as before regeneration. The power is in submission to the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit = walking in the Spirit = filled with the Spirit.
3. Children of God are
not kept by the power of the human will but by
the power of God based upon grace not upon works. Simply because whenever the human will overcomes the power of sin it is only because "God worketh in you both TO WILL and TO DO of His good pleasure" and at all other times the power of sin is working both to will and to do of its good pleasure. This is the nature of our internal warfare. The redeemed nature cannot will contrary to its own nature which is created in true holiness and righteousness. The fallen nature cannot will anything contrary to its enmity for God and rebellion against the law of God. IT NEVER WILLS T

BEY GOD - NEVER. The new nature NEVER WILLS TO DISOBEY GOD - NEVER! The problem is that the new nature has no will POWER over sin (Rom. 7:18) and thus its will can only be enforced by the power of God's Will, the power of the indwelling Spirit. Our ultimate salvation never rests upon the will of the flesh but on the will of the renewed man kept by the power of God. When we are glorified the old nature is removed completely and the glorified man no longer has the ability to WILL to sin.
4. The sins of the redeemed play no role in gaining entrance into heaven or remaining children of God. When Christ paid for their sins, their sins were all yet future and they were sins they were going to commit and do commit in their lives or else Christ need never pay for them.
5. God uses those sins in our lives that Christ already paid for in full to work for our good. He uses them to keep us humble, to use as abrasives to our new nature to motivate us to submit to the Holy Spirit, to teach us about the weak area's of our live that need work on, to accomplish His will in this world through both good and bad things (Psa. 76;10).
6. Obtaining heaven is solely by grace WITHOUT OUR WORKS based solely upon his finished work and his ongoing work "in us both TO WILL and TO DO of His good pleasure" according to His PURPOSE OF GRACE which he has determined for the life of every child of God in keeping with gifts, measure of grace to perform His will for our particular life.
7. This is why all who reject eternal security must either reject two opposing natures in redeemed man or must believe in living above sin - they have no other options.