I always answer all questions put to me.
You wouldn't know facts if they bit you in your rear.
You may call me a heretic, implicitly or explicitly, but that shows the truth of what I said about you. You are a liar and slanderer. Your fruit is rotten.
There are many scriptural verses that refute the false doctrine of OSAS or eternal security. I don't need to recount them here, as this has been done many times.
OSAS is one of the most harmful doctrines ever conceived by the human mind, as are all the other pints of Calvinism. I will oppose them with every fiber of my being. They give a totally false view of the nature of God.
Fatalistic determinism is a lie of the devil. Spreading it does great harm to the nature and character of God, and it does great harm to humanity.
I am in good company with Thomas Helwys and the other original English Baptists on this. Later Baptists have departed from the views of these first English Baptists.
I have a good relationship on this forum with those who believe directly opposite from me on this issue, so that is not the issue between you and me. The issue with us is your demeanor, not our differences in doctrine. As I said, your posts show that your fruit is rotten to the core.
I have presented the truth and have responded, for the last time, to your libel. You are not worth the time and effort.
Once again you ignore what is placed squarely before and choose to run up your martyr flag.