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The New Covenant| Dispensational Premillennialism and the Gospel #1 |
The consensus among Dispensational Premillennialists is that the New Covenant has not yet been established with Israel. If however, it can be shown that the New Covenant has indeed been established, in the words of Penney, “there is no pre-tribulational rapture.” (Russell L. Penney, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Tx., “The Relationship of the Church to the New Covenant.” Internet article at:
Walvoord says that if it could be proven that the New Covenant has been established, “it would be a crushing blow to the premillennial contention that there is a future kingdom.”
(John Walvoord, Major Bible Prophecies, (Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1991)186).
Pentecost says that, “If the church is fulfilling Israel’s promises as contained in the New Covenant or anywhere in the scriptures, then (dispensational) Premillennialism is condemned.” (Dwight Pentecost, Things To Come, (Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1957)116).
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Dispensational Premillennialism – A Brief Outline
I need now to outline the millennial concept of the New Covenant for the reader to understand that paradigm a bit better.
1.) God promised to make the New Covenant with Judah and Israel, not with the church. Per Dispensational Premillennialism, the distinction between Israel and the church is one of the most critical and foundational tenets of Biblical theology. The church does not receive Israel’s promises, and Israel does not receive the blessings of the church. Of course, it is insisted that the blessings of forgiveness belong to both entitites, but, in the Dispensational paradigm, Israel receives forgiveness through the Jeremiad Covenant, which is not the gospel of Christ.
This is the dispensationalism I am familiar with....
4.) Israel signs the peace treaty with the anti-christ, and, “Judaism is revived, and traditional sacrifices and ceremonies are re-instituted in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.” (Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy, Prophecy Watch, (Eugene, Ore, Harvest House, 1998)60).
5.) The anti-christ breaks the treaty with Israel, sets up the Abomination of Desolation and the Great Tribulation ensues. At its worst point, Jesus descends from heaven for the destruction of the forces of evil and the millennial reign ensues.
6.) With the salvation of Israel in the millennium, Jeremiah’s promise of the New Covenant is finally realized.
7.) Under the Jeremiad Covenant, Jerusalem is fully restored. Jesus sits on the literal throne of David. The temple is rebuilt (again). The priesthood is restored. Animal sacrifices are re-instituted, again. Circumcision is once again mandated by God.
The Church Presently Participates in the New Covenant; Israel Fulfills the New Covenant in the Future
This view is championed by a number of traditional dispensationalists.21 There is one new covenant. It will be fulfilled in the eschaton with Israel;
the church is presently participating in its soteriological benefits.22 Although this view sounds similar to the previous one, the difference is that this view speaks in terms of a present, limited participation by the church rather than a partial fulfillment by the church.23 Both views hold to a future fulfillment of the new covenant by national Israel following the return of Christ.
The New Covenant| Dispensational Premillennialism and the Gospel #1 |
The consensus among Dispensational Premillennialists is that the New Covenant has not yet been established with Israel. If however, it can be shown that the New Covenant has indeed been established, in the words of Penney, “there is no pre-tribulational rapture.” (Russell L. Penney, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Tx., “The Relationship of the Church to the New Covenant.” Internet article at:
Walvoord says that if it could be proven that the New Covenant has been established, “it would be a crushing blow to the premillennial contention that there is a future kingdom.”
(John Walvoord, Major Bible Prophecies, (Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1991)186).
Pentecost says that, “If the church is fulfilling Israel’s promises as contained in the New Covenant or anywhere in the scriptures, then (dispensational) Premillennialism is condemned.” (Dwight Pentecost, Things To Come, (Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1957)116).
here is more;
Dispensational Premillennialism – A Brief Outline
I need now to outline the millennial concept of the New Covenant for the reader to understand that paradigm a bit better.
1.) God promised to make the New Covenant with Judah and Israel, not with the church. Per Dispensational Premillennialism, the distinction between Israel and the church is one of the most critical and foundational tenets of Biblical theology. The church does not receive Israel’s promises, and Israel does not receive the blessings of the church. Of course, it is insisted that the blessings of forgiveness belong to both entitites, but, in the Dispensational paradigm, Israel receives forgiveness through the Jeremiad Covenant, which is not the gospel of Christ.
This is the dispensationalism I am familiar with....
4.) Israel signs the peace treaty with the anti-christ, and, “Judaism is revived, and traditional sacrifices and ceremonies are re-instituted in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.” (Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy, Prophecy Watch, (Eugene, Ore, Harvest House, 1998)60).
5.) The anti-christ breaks the treaty with Israel, sets up the Abomination of Desolation and the Great Tribulation ensues. At its worst point, Jesus descends from heaven for the destruction of the forces of evil and the millennial reign ensues.
6.) With the salvation of Israel in the millennium, Jeremiah’s promise of the New Covenant is finally realized.
7.) Under the Jeremiad Covenant, Jerusalem is fully restored. Jesus sits on the literal throne of David. The temple is rebuilt (again). The priesthood is restored. Animal sacrifices are re-instituted, again. Circumcision is once again mandated by God.