I like Spurgeon and macarthur quite a bit,and have learned much from both men ,and will continue to learn more from them both.
As much as I like them...they are both wrong here...without biblical warrant.
No, this is one of the times when they are accurate and scriptural.
You picked up on the contradiction.....that is because mentally and spiritually, they see the scriptural truth of all being dead in adam....but because we speak of infants/children....they answer emotionally and go off.
All Calvinists contradict themselves. What MacArthur saw was that the scriptures do not teach that infants and small children are sinners, but he still tries to maintain his belief in original sin, an absolute necessity for Calvinism. Without OS you are sunk. Nevertheless, he cannot deny scripture that clearly shows lttle children have no knowledge between good and evil and therefore cannot be judged as sinners. And if you cannot be judged as a sinner, then you are not a sinner.
MacArthur also realized that scripture teaches a man is judged for his works, whether good or evil, not the nature he was born with and the potential to sin. Every man has the potential to do any evil, but men retain free will and do not choose to do every evil. You have the potential to rob a bank, but you have chosen not to do so, so you are not utterly enslaved and compelled to always sin. the other believe i mis-use 1cor 15...but that is because you fail to see that natural men...are born in adam{first death} and if they remain in that condition....they die in adam{going into second death} at the white throne.....natural not "put Themself" in adam...they are born physically alive, mentally alert, but spiritually dead....
They remain in the realm of death,unless God regenerates them...that is unless God has elected them to salvation.
And you cannot distinguish when the scriptures are speaking of physical death and spiritual death. 1 Cor. 15 is not speaking of spiritual death at all, the entire chapter is speaking of physical death and the resurrection of our physical bodies. Try reading the Bible and quit listening to Reformed preachers who teach error, and you will see for yourself.
As Willis correctly stated, we inherit our bodies from our parents. We inherited our cursed physical body from Adam, thus corruption and death. This is why infants die, not because they are sinners, they are not. But our spirit comes directly from God, numerous scriptures teach this. We are not born spiritually dead, but upright (Ecc 7:29).
This is a wise move on your part{not holding your breath}...for that day will never fact ....if I waver on this...i will instruct my sons to shoot me...before I become a complete that my soul might be saved......but it will not happen anytime soon...I can assure you!
Trust me, I can see you coming from ten miles away. I know you will not change anytime soon. You are one who heaps teachers to himself having itching ears. Some folks believe false doctrine because they are deceived, others believe false doctrine because they desire to.