One Member Remains INSULTING and Demenaing!
Matt27 continues to imply [over-and-over] that any one [being members on this board] who may in fact speak in tongues, have gifts that she insists ceased after the book of Acts, possess a prayer language, or hold to any gift that she believes is theologically IMPOSSIBLE for God to grant His people since Pentecost are, and I quote:
- are members of "cults and non Christian sects."
- are, "Mormons.....devil-possessed spiritists....heathen witch doctors in Africa and Asia. Ages ago many heathen religions talked in tongues." The comment on Africa is bordering on racist, cultural slurs and does not reflect a positive image of those from Africa, especially any brothers or sisters from Africa who may be part of Baptist supported mission programs. This is totally unacceptable...
Now I don't know about you, but I think she has definitely crossed the line of Rule #3 - Show grace to the other posters. When someone disagrees with you, discuss it; but be slow to offend, and eager to get into the Word and find the answers. Remember, when discussing passionate issues, it is easy to go too far and offend. Further, if we are "earnestly contending for the faith" it would be unrealistic not to expect at times to be misunderstood or even ridiculed. But please note that your words can sometimes be harsh if used in the wrong way. The anger of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Rule #4 Personal attacks will not be tolerated. The board has an edit button enabled. We encourage you to use it and edit your own words. Moderators and Administrators will be visibly proactive in dealing with potentially offensive situations. Posts of a violent or threatening nature, either implicitly or explicitly, will be deleted, and the poster's membership revoked. We encourage personal problems with other members be resolved privately via email or personal messaging. Rule #5 - No trolling. Trolling consists of provoking large volumes of responses by posting absurdities, deliberately offensive insults, etc.By referring to those who speak in tongues as, "heathen witch doctors in Africa and Asia...many heathen religions talked in tongues" is, AGAIN, a racist, cultural slur against any tribe members from Africa, especially those in mission supported churches from anywhere in Africa? This is totally insulting and insensitive. And should not be allowed per rules of this board. It is typecasting and stereotyping, and it doesn't not belong on this board....I realize it is an opinion, but it seems to be an inappropriate one at that!!!
FURTHERMORE, this member has personally stated that several of the members including myself, who have taken a stand to politely defend and debate the topic belong in the class of people like, "cults and non Christian sects....Mormons.....devil-possessed spiritists."
This implication is teetering on the line of "questioning our salvation, and personally insulting to imply that those who believe, like we do, are directly or indirectly related to any of the above groups."
This member has gotten a little out-of-hand in trying to make their point, and I for one would expect the moderators to take corrective action by removing said insults and implications as they cast light of things other than Godly pursuit of gifts, upon our beliefs.
This is no longer debating, it is insulting and questioning our faith and standing when it comes to Jesus. By saying that those who use tongues are in the class of "cults and non Christian sects....Mormons.....devil-possessed spiritists, or even heathen witch doctors in Africa and Asia. Ages ago many heathen religions talked in tongues" is implying things that just aren't true, and do not belong on this board or any other Christ centered board, irregardless of ones denominational/doctrinal stand on this issue.
Thanks, and know this isn't personal against this member, it is just protecting the integrity of this board, and an environment to conduct healthy, lively debates, without the debate falling into name calling , insults, and slurs.