No, I'm suggesting he should know what he is talking about before he goes out and preaches to people. He obviously does not understand that a Calvinist cannot believe in Conditional Election.
He often bashes Arminianism in his sermons when he is an Arminian himself.
If anything, he should be bashing Calvinism, he does not believe in Unconditional Election, although he is now wavering on that. He doesn't know what is right and what is wrong, therefore he shouldn't be preaching to others.
Actually SIR the great commission is to go out and PREACH the gospel to every creature and all of creation. If you BOTHERED SIR to read the end of Matt and Mark you would know this. You SIR place a large emphasis on the evangelist and such a little emphasis on the sovereignty of God in salvation. God calls the converts and grants the gift of faith to the elect. God asks for obedience and He will draw out his true converts. The evangelist is not perfect nor does have to be because God is whom does the saving! You SIR have a real problem with others whom disagree with you and seem to have attracted allot of negative attention from others on this board. You SIR have made many enemies here, but not because you preach the gospel, but because you SIR have sought to cause division in the body of Christ.
Guys I am done with WinMan. He's here to cause division and strife in the body and cant be reasoned with.
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