Well, I've seen your idea - to isolate some one-topic troll - into a subforum implemented once, and the way it turned out was that the subforum stood and the troll was banned a few weeks later.
You say this like its a bad thing. Sounds like it worked.
Do other denominations cluster the Baptist Boards? They're secluded.
And its not secluding a member...just a particular issue. Militant members of agendas should have aright to speak their mind, but don't have a right to derail every thread.
777 said:And, no, you can't "reach" a pure troll. A troll isn't a liberal, a conservative, an atheist or a Christian by definition. It is a poster whose sole intent is to disrupt the board and annoy as many of the other people as he/she can. Banning other posters, derailing threads, causing threads to be close are some of their tells. Nothing is too outrageous or repetitive for the troll to say or do and the worst possible thing you can do is to quote the garbage the troll says.
Correction: you can't reach a troll because you have already decided they're hopeless.
And as long as that is your mentality you've excused yourself from the cause, and that person you may have shared the Gospel with continues unchecked in their ministry.
God bless.