I'd like to see a section just for politics.
All the rigite vs leftie media driven noise going on in here all the time makes it hard to concentrate on what's really going on out there.
There should be a forum just for politics and one for "other" where people can gather and talk in leftie and rightie and talk all about those other interesting issues that divide us.
Yeah, that would be great!
Hey thanks for the serious response, Poncho.
There's already a Politics section, and it seems that racial contention makes it difficult for their to be a focus on strictly political issues, which while they at times involve racial relations (and not just black/white), seem to flood the board in an extreme manner, turning nearly every thread into one of racial contention.
That's the reason for the suggestion.
Create a board specifically for racially contentious issues and allow them only there. Then it would make clear whether we have a one-track troll amongst us, lol.
For the troll, I have suggested that the only way we can appropriately deal with such is through a doctrinal approach. If one has a bent for slinging racial slurs and vilifying a particular race, he will be secluded to that section while the rest of the members are freed up to focus on the political issues. If they want to be involved with the membership, they will be forced to come out of their rut.
If we could actually get such as these into doctrinal discussions and ask them to present a Biblical Basis for their racism, perhaps it might dawn on them they have removed themselves from Christian Doctrine and Practice.
Or not.
But we won't know until we can get then into a doctrinal discussion, and I think there is a better chance of doing that if they are separated from the Board by their doctrine.
It is the same thing concerning Baptist Only boards, those of other denominations are not allowed there. It is the same thing concerning threads about human sexuality, and we don't have a member advocating the Homosexual Agenda here.
Just seems to be a good idea to me.
God bless.