I believe these summarize the three mistakes Calvinists make in their interpretation of scripture:
1. They misapply passages that are in reference to the way in which God chose his divinely appointed apostles by applying them to the method God has chosen to save all souls. Proof that God sovereignly hand picks his messengers in no way proves that He sovereignly hand picks who will and will not believe their message.
2. They fail to recognize that in the two passages that the term predestination is mentioned it is in reference to those who already believe ("us"). Believers are "predestined to be conformed to Christ's image." And believers are "predestined to be adopted as his sons." Neither of these goals have been accomplished in our lives, but whosoever believes in Christ, God has predetermined that they too will be "adopted as His son and conformed to his image."
3. They mistakenly apply passages having to do with God's choosing to save the Gentiles while temporarily hardening the Jews to support their view of total inability and God's pre-selection of certain individuals. Passages having to do with the hardened Jews are often used by Calvinists to support their doctrine of Total Depravity. Passages having to do with the revelation of God's choice to allow Gentiles entrance into the Covenant of grace are used to support their doctrine of Unconditional Election.
2. They fail to recognize that in the two passages that the term predestination is mentioned it is in reference to those who already believe ("us"). Believers are "predestined to be conformed to Christ's image." And believers are "predestined to be adopted as his sons." Neither of these goals have been accomplished in our lives, but whosoever believes in Christ, God has predetermined that they too will be "adopted as His son and conformed to his image."
3. They mistakenly apply passages having to do with God's choosing to save the Gentiles while temporarily hardening the Jews to support their view of total inability and God's pre-selection of certain individuals. Passages having to do with the hardened Jews are often used by Calvinists to support their doctrine of Total Depravity. Passages having to do with the revelation of God's choice to allow Gentiles entrance into the Covenant of grace are used to support their doctrine of Unconditional Election.