That's a solid #1 from my list.
This was my objection with the TULIP chart thread (since closed). However, I assure you, the descriptions I've given here are the result of reading them here on BB as presented by Calvinists over the years. Again, I realize there are a wide spectrum of beliefs within Calvinism, but these are positions given by Calvinists, not something I'm claiming Calvinism is.
Actually, I think you got very close in many of your observations.
But I also think you're carrying just a bit of mis-characterization, probably due to your disagreement of it.
In several of your points, it seems there is some "carry over" from what I see as firm objections...
Possibly made emotionally.
Such as, "God must zap the sinner", or "caused them to repent against their natural will".
No "Calvinist" I have ever met teaches either one, even though they get charged with similar things all the time.
There are others on this forum who keep making the charge of God being a respecter of persons ( which has been dealt with time and again ) and "men are robots", despite
many posts being made in an effort to clarify this.
As an example of yet another charge that has been responded to at least several times that I have been on this forum...
@MB made the charge in post # 27,
"God is not a respecter of persons".
I assume he means that God is not selective with regard to who He saves, giving everyone a "chance" to repent and believe the Gospel.
The correct ( or "Calvinist", depending upon perspective ) definition of "God is not a respecter of persons" is,
God looks upon no man as being more or less deserving of His grace than any other.
So, it seems to me that many of the people that are making these charges aren't really listening or reading and understanding the "Calvinists" properly.