Not that some of you haven't shared some fantastic points .... kudos to you. You're right on. BUT, I do not desire to allow a pair of sexual perverts to share something I believe to be holy and meant for a man and a woman. Marriage is something special, and just like amnesty CHEAPENS citizenship ... same-sex marriage defiles and perverts the union between a man and a woman.
I am 100% against two people of the same sex getting married because BIBLICALLY, it's impossible.
But are swingers considered perverts? They are "married. Scripture addresses some sexual perversions in 1 Cor. 6: 9
Or do you not know that the unrighteous2 will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
Have we made the same fuss about idolaters and adulterers or those involved in any of the other things considered to be sexual perversion being involved in marriage?
When will we come to realize that it's futile judging this behavior OUTSIDE the church? Deal with the sin of those inside the church and understand that lost people do things that lost people do. Share the Gospel with them and point them to Christ.
There really is no reason to be any more upset about the homosexual offense than there is about a person telling a lie.
We tend to too often take the focus off Jesus and place it upon how we feel. And that will ALWAYS be the wrong approach.
I realize that we live in a sinful world .... but I am tired os sin infringing upon the basic institutions I hold dearly.
The basic institutions that you hold dear are NOT eternal. People's souls are. Suck it up and live in such a way that points the lost to Christ instead of getting caught up about things that will die with this dying world.
So no matter what a court may dictate, I still have the God given right to disagree with sexual sin and perversion being treated as a holy union. It is a sin here and now, just like it will be treated upon the judgment of those who think its okay.
There's just something missing in this statement. May be it's the compassion again of someone who has been forgiven. Why is there an argument about folks sinning? Have we just discovered that sinners do things that go against God's commands?
The way to combat that is to not make a big deal about a particular sin or issue, but to make a big deal about the person who is lost needing a relationship with our Savior.
Who cares if they think it's okay? What would or should that have to do with us desperately wanting to point them to Christ and salvation?