I sympathize with the Arminian Christian. The God portrayed by the Calvinists is unfair. According to them He is not an ‘equal-opportunity employer-God.’
Calvinists must construct strawman argument like this one to hide the truth, Calvinism view of God is found nowhere in the Bible. Does God provide the opportunity for mercy to all? No, some have so hardened their hearts, like the first soil of Matthew 13, they cannot understand the gospel, others never even hear the gospel. So strawman argument #1.
He does not call and employ all men equally to salvation. Instead He discriminates as to whom He will call and employ [elect].
Strawman argument #2. All men who behold Christ high and lifted up are drawn by the lovingkindness of God, who sent His Son to die for all mankind.
Incredibly, His discrimination is not based on anything we can perceive. His choice of employees [the Elect] makes no earthly sense.
Strawman argument #3 God chooses people for salvation through faith in the truth, 2 Thessalonians 2:13.
It is not based on past job performance since all have failed miserably and fallen short of the glory of God. Nor is it based on family connections. The Jews had the esteemed patriarchs in their blood line, yet by far most Jews were rejected. It is not based on the religious propensity of the candidate. Nicodemus didn’t qualify, though he was the most prestigious religious man in all Israel.
Strawman argument #4. This assertion misrepresents Arminianism, Arminians embrace all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, that worldly position, wealth, well born, or power counts for nothing toward God's election for salvation, 1 Corinthians 1:26-30.
Nor is God’s choice based on our friendship and support of His Son since He died for us while we were still His enemies.
Strawman argument #5 Jesus died for us while we were still sinners, and thus before we trusted in Him, and before God credited our faith as righteousness, Romans 4:4-5,24.
Furthermore, to make matters worse, His election is not based on foreseen future faith or good works.
Strawman argument #6 God chose the poor to the world, yet rich in faith, keeping His promise to those who love Him, James 2:5.
God had the audacity to elect Jacob over Esau (a perfectly reasonable candidate) before either was born….before either had done good or evil.
Strawman argument #7, Jacob was chosen conditionally, so the older would serve the younger, and were not elected for salvation, however they were elected during their lifetime.
In fact, His election of Jacob (and all other Elect) was before the foundation of the world.
Strawman argument #8, God's individual election of Jacob occurred during Jacob's lifetime, just as every one of God's individual elections for salvation occurs after we have lived without mercy 1 Peter 2:9-10, and after our faith has been credited as righteousness, 2 Thessalonians 2:13.
It was even before Prevenient Grace had come into their lives -- before they could will to come or not will to come to Christ. Where is the fairness in that, I ask?
Strawman argument #9, if God can elect individuals before creation, He can elect foreseen individuals with foreseen faith based on foreseen Prevenient Grace. So the argument is specious, though our individual election for salvation actually occurs during our lifetime, James 2:5.
And last, but not least, how fair is it to have the Gospel preached to those whom God wills to not give Holy Spirit effectual regenerating grace in order that the spiritually dead sinner may spiritually hear, see and believe?
Strawman argument #10, Regeneration means to be made alive, and this occurs when a person is put in Christ, thus we are made alive together with Christ, Ephesians 2:5. The "effectual call" is a Calvinist fiction, found nowhere in scripture.
Is that grace not owed all, since God loves all His creation? (John 3:16).
Strawman argument #11, grace is a gift bestowed as an expression of love, and is never owed, merited, or deserved.
Is not His withholding of saving grace a sure sign of His unrighteousness?
Strawman argument #12, goes so far into absurdity, it demeans God.
How can man be held accountable for that which God does not will to give him, but which he allegedly desperately needs?
Strawman argument #13, God holds men accountable for their deeds, not predestined but volitional, just as Adam's was.
He is a just God who gives to every man exactly what he deserves - justice, or He gives to some men what they do not deserve - mercy.
Calvinism must resort to fabrication and disinformation because if the doctrine is presented accurately, its inherent absurdity would be obvious to all.