I will address the first part(evangelism). I am on my cell phone and dont know how to separate your response.McCree, does you church evangelize? I'm just curious. I've yet hear a thoroughly good explanation from a Calvinist or a Predestinationist (yes, I created a word) explaining why evangelism is even necessary. After all, if salvation is all of God, and there is nothing that mankind can do in salvation, if we cannot accept or reject Him, if we cannot even refuse to open the door when He knocks, then even believing the preached word isn't necessary.
I take it then that you believe that Asa, Jehoshaphat, Uzziah, Jotham, Hezekiah, and Josiah were all saved...the Bible accounts that they "did that which was right in the sight of the Lord." Were they redeemed? If they were, then they had to have been redeemed through the law, as atonement available through Christ was not yet preached. Yet we're told in the NT that the letter (the law) killeth, but the Spirit giveth life. As an addendum, Josiah took the throne at the age of eight, yet did that which was right to God. Was Josiah born in a redeemed state, if he was right with God already at the age of eight? Or was he just saved at a very early age in a time in which no one was preaching salvation, but were instead going by the old law?
So every act of the lost is sin? Everything a lost person does is sin? So when I was lost (I was saved at the age of ten), everything I did was sin? That's a hard line to walk...and one that I don't believe scripture will back up. Man can be in depravity in his sin, but that does not mean that every action of that man has to be sin. Otherwise you have people performing genuinely good and kind acts, like helping someone in need, and you are calling that sin.
Yes we do....we are even guilty of throwing Easter Egg hunts and having "beast feast events". We have done door to door and have month events in the county for men and separate for woman. I draw some "heat" from other D.O.G. believers for this stuff.....but here is why we do it.
As a "Calvinist", I do not know who the elect are. The elect still need to hear the word. The elect still must make a decision after regeneration. God gives them a new inclination, a new nature. They must then use that God given nature to choose him. The only way they know what to choose is hearing. So a Calvinist needs to share with everyone. We do not know who the elect are. ALL need to be treated that way.