NaasPreacher (C4K)
Well-Known Member
Sure, I'll answer it. I've never seen you say where, exactly, you live now, but as you have good Internet access and can be relied up on as an administrator, I'm guessing you live in a developed, first-world country -- at least what would have been considered "first world" after WWII. I'm not sure there are many "first world" countries left these days.
Therefore, I'm also guessing that the news you get is colored by the news media of the country in which you live as an American ex-pat. Unless you have access to "alternate news sources" like Fox News, The Weekly Standard, or National Review, I'm pretty sure you don't have an accurate view of what is going on in the U.S. Even if you are in contact with friends and family on a regular basis, your views are tainted by what I perceive as a liberal bias of your own. Otherwise, I don't know how you could endorse CrabTownBoy's post, it being the most disingenuous post on this thread. CTB expresses a reasonable view of this country in that post. It's a pity he never shares that view of the country in his other posts, in which he expresses views supporting the tearing out of the very fibers that knit this country together.
Let me tell you what is going on in your country. We have a "president" who has determined that he can routinely violate the Constitution via executive fiat. Yes, I'm sure you've heard and will argue, other presidents have issued more executive orders than he has. The lie of that statement is that none of them have attempted to rewrite laws that only Congress can pass, amend or repeal. He has, on at least 37 occasions, rewritten his own healthcare legislation to political expediency.
He has obviously, though continues to deny and his party continues to obfuscate, conspired with government agencies run by his political appointees to attempt destruction of his opposition, aiming investigative feral hounds at conservative groups whose agenda opposes his.
He has yet to tell the truth about what happened at Benghazi, and has practically imprisoned or "disappeared" all of the on-the-ground personnel who could shed light on the actual events. He has continued to lie about the cause of the attack. He has sicced his former Sec'y of State on Congress -- after first hiding her from Congress for two weeks after the attack -- to grandstand and cower them into submission, and the worst part is, it worked on many of them. Thankfully, men like Trey Gowdy and Paul Ryan haven't been cowered and continue to attempt to dig down through the manure the administration has hauled in to bury the mess.
He has fought vehemently against revising NSA spying rules following the revelation that the agency collects and stores information for possible future recall on virtually every cell phone, land line and satellite telephone call involving a person within the confines of U.S. borders, intercepts nearly every fax and email transmission for the same purposes. This Marxist traitor claims it is all "innocent" and necessary for national security, adding as a "reassuring aside" that "we can't hear what you said or read what you wrote" until a court order allows them to do so. Yet he won't let the process return to the methodology used under President Bush, which was to only target certain previously identified phone numbers, and only those which originated calls from outside the U.S. Doesn't that seem strange to you? If that was effective for Bush, and well over 30 terrorist plots were foiled using that method, and fewer have been foiled since the new, vastly overreaching methodology took effect, why would he oppose changing it? If I gave you my conjectures, I'm sure you'd dismiss me as paranoid.
I could add in all the other questionable acts of this administration, the odd behavior of the government agencies it directs, the surprising firings of over 50 top key military commanders, his anti-colonialist and Marxist upbringing and background, his intricate ties to Chicago machine politics, his questionable education, law degree and law practice, and all the other genuine questions that exist about his past that get pooh-poohed by liberals who want to keep their head buried in the sand rather than admit they've been hoodwinked by a traitor whose interest is in bringing this country down -- making the "fundamental change" he promised in 2008 -- but this post is getting too long as it is.
To be fair and balanced, we have an opposition party in the GOP that could have the ability to fight all of these efforts by this man whose feet may be planted in U.S. soil but whose heart is clearly anti-American. But that party is impotent, too tied to the Washington that has become very nearly a separate society, one that feeds on personal power, greed, and self-importance. The opposing party also reads the polls, sees where the American people are headed, and are willing to "lead from behind" just as our ignoble pretender in the big white house does in foreign policy. The shift of our society has been a deliberately engineered one, with liberal/socialist/Marxist thought firmly implanted in our schools, colleges, and universities. They turn out liberals, socialists, and Marxists with degrees. The mindset that founded this country is disappearing, to be replaced by collectivism, socialized medicine, isolationism, the lethargy of entitlement.
That's your country, C4K. That is what it has become. If you don't know it, then you are part of the problem, not the solution, and that solution may well be dissolution, which means another war between opposing factions within this country, which means an end of your country as we know it. That's what you're applauding in praising CTB's post.
As you said I do have internet access. I know all the things you mentioned. CTB's point is still valid. Is his list want what America wants to go back to?
I also question what the Obama administration has to do with the OP. It seemed to about people who don't fit one mindset of what an American is.
What is the best way forward to 'take America back?' Does anyone really think that all of those horrible immigrants who speak other languages are really going to renounce their citizenship and move away?
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