Thousand Hills
Active Member
So you go to a KJVO church and this is going on?!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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So you go to a KJVO church and this is going on?!
A preacher friend of mine is a bit disillusioned concerning members who do not bring a Bible to church. In this particular church most of those who do not bring a Bible are men. Some of these men leave a Bible in 'their' pew, but of these there is a count of exactly two.
I've seen this elsewhere, where men would not carry in a Bible but would leave one in their favorite 'spot'.
I've witnessed the same trend in several churches. The thing is that almost every woman brings a Bible. The men? Not so much.
That said, when watching those who enter for the 'worship service' nearly every man who enters do not bring a Bible. They don't use a tablet, smart phone Bible -- they use nothing at all.
There are few men who actually bring a Bible to SS or to worship. Said simply sit there, some fall asleep, some look completely disinterested.
Is bringing a Bible indicative of being spiritual, indicative of intent to grow, or is bringing a Bible just unnecessary?
It seems more women bring a Bible to church than do men.
- Blessings
So you go to a KJVO church and this is going on?!
When I started going to my current church I always brought along my favorite bible, a semi worn KJV large print, big and thick, and I knew it well. I seriously felt like some folks gave me looks as if I was trying to show off or something, or thought I was more spirtual. Sad to say I gave in to the pressure and started carrying a small print thin KJV, that isn't as imposing, but I can hardly ever find anything in it. Since I have other bibles at home and also look scripture up on the internet, I've always left it in either my truck or my wife's car, sad to say I never can keep up with it, and in the past year it seems I never have it with me, and end up using the bible provided in the pew, which makes me feel awful. In some ways its not a terribly big deal since our new preacher is more topical in his preaching style. I've decided I'm going back to my imposing thick bible that I love, and will just give a mean look back if anybody sends me negative waves. :saint:
A preacher friend of mine is a bit disillusioned concerning members who do not bring a Bible to church. In this particular church most of those who do not bring a Bible are men. Some of these men leave a Bible in 'their' pew, but of these there is a count of exactly two.
I've seen this elsewhere, where men would not carry in a Bible but would leave one in their favorite 'spot'.
I've witnessed the same trend in several churches. The thing is that almost every woman brings a Bible. The men? Not so much.
That said, when watching those who enter for the 'worship service' nearly every man who enters do not bring a Bible. They don't use a tablet, smart phone Bible -- they use nothing at all.
There are few men who actually bring a Bible to SS or to worship. Said simply sit there, some fall asleep, some look completely disinterested.
Is bringing a Bible indicative of being spiritual, indicative of intent to grow, or is bringing a Bible just unnecessary?
It seems more women bring a Bible to church than do men.
- Blessings
Why is this a big deal? bibles are not needed in a worship service.
God, I hoped my spirituality isn't questioned based solely on the fact I very rarely take a bible to church with me. For whatever reason(s), a vast majority of ORB's......yes...including the women.......don't pack a bible in their arm as they walk inside the church. I really don't have an answer as to why we don't, but I don't feel hard at those who do choose to carry one to church.
A preacher friend of mine is a bit disillusioned concerning members who do not bring a Bible to church. In this particular church most of those who do not bring a Bible are men. Some of these men leave a Bible in 'their' pew, but of these there is a count of exactly two.
I've seen this elsewhere, where men would not carry in a Bible but would leave one in their favorite 'spot'.
I've witnessed the same trend in several churches. The thing is that almost every woman brings a Bible. The men? Not so much.
That said, when watching those who enter for the 'worship service' nearly every man who enters do not bring a Bible. They don't use a tablet, smart phone Bible -- they use nothing at all.
There are few men who actually bring a Bible to SS or to worship. Said simply sit there, some fall asleep, some look completely disinterested.
Is bringing a Bible indicative of being spiritual, indicative of intent to grow, or is bringing a Bible just unnecessary?
It seems more women bring a Bible to church than do men.
- Blessings
The trend in our church seems to be age related. Older folk, both men and women bring Bibles to church. Middle aged folk, seems to be women who most often bring theirs. Younger folk come in empty handed. (Yes, there are a few exceptions in each catagory.)
There's only 1 lady that I know who brings an electronic Bible. It's an older model and she uses a stylus. Haven't figured out why she does so much clicking when the message or Bible study passage is a short one.
As a side note, since I run the sound system, I have a bird's eye view over the congregation (from behind) on Sunday morning. Some who bring Bibles never seem to open them. Some who don't bring them, will open a pew Bible. And, some "play" with their cell phones starting with the opening hymn.
Scripture says we will know them by their fruit. Observing Bibles of those who carry them, makes for an interesting study of fruit. Especially over time. Which ones remain pristine and which ones are falling apart. Love to see a Bible (any version, Rippon) filled with bits of paper for bookmarks, cover taped in place, and all the other signs of wear and tear. Saddens me greatly to see one carried, that according to the appearance of its fruit, doesn't ripen.
Just some observations this morn, FWIW.
I agree. There is nothing like seeing a believer wear out a Bible. To see new believers do this is great and encouraging. To see older believers still doing it is an example.
It has more to do with saving their spot than anything else. Take me for example...I often leave the bible I preach with on the pulpit, and bring my notes with me!What is this leaving a Bible on the pew stuff about???
I suppose if everybody went to using the iPad I'd probably go get one and figure out how to use it. Just love flippin those pages.
Thanks for the link. That's a pretty good app. It has been downloaded.