Now, if I pay no taxes - even better yet; I pay no taxes and even get a couple grand in refund (which is a misnomer as I get back two grand more than was withheld!); then all I have to do is make sure I vote for my candidate who helped pass the law that gave me that benefit. It is called "vote buying."
However, on the other hand, I am one of those guys who has to kick in twenty or thirty thousand per year in taxes, I don't want to vote for those who take my money and waste it on non-constitutional programs.
As the number of non-taxpaying citizens increase (and it is now around 50%) their their individual votes can cancel out the votes of those who do have to pony up the money for those frivolous handouts. The non-taxpayers have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The taxpayers have everything to lose and nothing to gain.
I am in total agreement with you! and that is why Representative get re-elected - they bring home the bacon. Now, I don't pay as much as you in taxes - but I do pay my fair share. And I get pretty upset when I cart a Medicaid patient around on a $ 20-50 taxi ride - one way-. And you and I are paying for it.:tear:
In 2009 47% of workers paid exactly no income tax. Now what right-wing nutty media reported that? Try NPR! In 2007 - that number was 37%!
Back to 2009
Top ----1% paid 38% of all taxes -
top -2--5% paid 20% of all taxes -
top -6-10% paid 11% of all taxes -
top 11-25% paid 17% of all taxes
top 26-50% paid 13% of all taxes
top 48-50% paid 02% of all taxes
& the...47% paid 00% of all taxes
and you want the rich to pay more! Shame on you.
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