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Team Obama tries to run Romney’s Jeep charge off the road
ORLANDO, Florida--President Barack Obama's re-election team waged all-out political war on Monday against a controversial ad by Republican rival Mitt Romney. The ad implies, falsely, that Jeep plans to move jobs to China from Ohio--a charge that could resonate in that pivotal battleground state.
The Obama campaign released a commercial rebutting the allegation, while Vice President Joe Biden and former president Bill Clinton denounced the former Massachusetts governor's commercial as, basically, a lie.
"Now it turns out that Jeep is reopening in China because they made so much money here they can afford to do it," Clinton said at a Youngstown, Ohio, rally. "They put out a statement today saying that it was the biggest load of bull in the world that they would consider shutting down their American operation."
Romney's campaign ran the ad over the weekend in Ohio, where one in eight jobs is linked to the auto industry--and Obama has used his rescue of big car markers to gain a political edge over his rival. Recent polls have shown that the president has a narrow edge in the Buckeye State. Defeat there would sharply narrow Romney's path to the White House.
"Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy and sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China," said the voice-over on the Romney campaign ad. "Mitt Romney will fight for every American job."
The ad appears to be inspired by a Bloomberg news report that Fiat, which owns Chrysler, planned to boost its manufacturing operations in China. Chrysler issued a rare public comment that acidly remarked of the ad: "A careful and unbiased reading of the Bloomberg take would have saved unnecessary fantasies and extravagant comments."
Team Romney's Jeep Lie
Yep a man whose morality is based in lies. But for sure the Romnesiacs will dismiss this by saying "that doesn't even compare to the lies Obama tells".:laugh:
He probably just kissed Ohio goodbye.