If Jeffress was standing right her in front of me I wouldn't hesitate, if asked, what I thought about him or his ministry, not even for a second. He represents a type of baptist I don't want to be or become. His fundamentalism clouds the Gospel he preaches. He speaks truthful words but in what I believe to be an intentionally devise manner. So much so that one of the most outspoken Christians of our day is backing away from him. A guy who wore bible verses on his face, was part of an anti-abortion campaign, went on missions trips and prayed after scoring touchdowns. Perhaps the problem isn't with Tebows, maybe?
Here is a link to Jeffress response to Tebows cancellation
There is plenty of truth there, but note how in the tv interview he says he doesn't want to throw Tebow under the bus, then throws him under the bus. Note how he doesn't miss a chance to advertise the churches upcoming grand opening or to tell us how much it cost.