Zaac...Tebow has something the majority of us will never have the opportunity to have or do.....what is called a "bully pulpit"(at least for the moment). Just because of who he is and the celebrity status he has attained he has the opportunity to speak and be heard in the vast public arena. In our generation that can be short-lived and one can be relegated to relative obscurity if the mainstream media chooses to cut you off. (If Tim REALLY stands and declares the "whole counsel" of God they'd cut him off like a faucett...probably) Just look what they do to the few decent politicians that have tried to take the right stand in recent years. The microphones are quickly withdrawn everytime!
So has Tebow NOT been declaring he whole counsel of God?
That said, Bro.Tim should always follow the Biblical example EVEN IF THAT IS THE RESULT. God will ultimately honor and reward those who are faithful to Him and those rewards may or may not be seen or discerned IN THIS WORLD. I think this perceived need to be concerned with WHO or HOW MANY we can "reach" is waaaaay over-rated.
I didn't mean numbers. I specifically meant he's looking out for his ability to speak to different groups and he doesn't want to close the door on that by looking like somebody else's opinions are his also.
That is God's business and He knows how to "promote" or bless and multiply our efforts to His glory and honor. We should not be concerned with nor engaged in self-promotion in any form. It sounds to me that Dr. Jeffress has done nothing more that proclaim the truth about the prevalent sins of our time and the very "exclusive" nature of the truth that Christ is God and that He is the ONLY way TO Heaven and away from Hell.
I was speaking to the comments that had been attributed to Dr. Jeffress. If they are indeed his comments, they have nothing to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But everything to do with how Baptist have long looked at a segment of the population that Tebow obviously doesn't want to isolate if thse comments are his reason for backing out.
That is not a popular, "politically-correct message in our day....but it is the right one. Thank God that Dr. Jeffress doesn't seem to follow after the Joel Osteens and Robert Schullers of our day. I don't think the Lord Jesus was too concerned with "who and how many" He could "reach" when He overturned the money-changers tables in the Temple or called the over-pious religious rulers He confronted a "generation of vipers" (modern english...bunch of snakes!). People like the Apostle Paul continued that example in Romans 1:18 and following and in Titus 1:10-16 (to name a few).....and many other examples in the Word of God. While I applaud Bro.Tebow's boldness and his desire to reach as many people as his "status" as an NFL QB would allow him to, my advice to him...if I ever had the opportunity to give it would still be..."don't walk in the counsel of unsaved and ungodly advisors and speak the truth (in love) whether the media or the world "at large" like it or not. Be true ONLY to God and His Word and let God promote you."
Would you also say the same thing to Dr. Jeffress because again, if the comments that I posted are his and they are the reason for Tebow backing out, the comments have nothing to do with preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in love.
That will always be the advise I would offer if asked.....the opinions of the world at large and the media notwithstanding.
As I said, what Dr. Jeffress said in the 10 minute video was dead on. But he didn't address the comments that I mentioned. If he said THOSE, then he should have used his time to add an apology.
For the record....Homosexuality is NOT a "lifestyle" is an abominable SIN, Islam is NOT a religion of "peace" and "Allah" is NOT another name for God...Allah is a false God and "Islam" is a potentially and often violent false religion......modern and historic Judaism( and I DO love the Jews) is also a false religion of "works" that results in it's adherents going to Hell because they trust their works to save them...not the Lord Jesus Christ. They were and still are (as a nation) God's chosen people and they will be restored in the Millenium (sorry all you kingdom builders, and preterists...we ain't there yet). They are still walking in blindness in our day but I believe there are signs that the veil is about to be lifted...PRAISE GOD. Either's Jews are just like today's gentiles...they need to be saved by faith in Christ or they will die and go to Hell.
I'm in complete agreement with what you say here because it is in agreement with God's word.:thumbs:
If THAT kind of belief is where Dr.Jeffress and 1st Baptist Dallas stand...then I stand with them....I believe Tim Tebow should too because that is the truth. Peace ya'll!:flower:
That is indeed where they stand. But I say again, if the comments I posted are HIS, that's where I take issue. Use the pulpit to preach the Gospel , not to spread your opinion.
If those are his comments, he did nothing but further perpetuate what homosexuals think about Christians and that is that we all hate them and think they've all got AIDS, that they're all pedophiles after little boys, and are all going to hell because they choose to use a sexual orientation to deal with their brokenness.
There was nothing in those comments that would be used by Jesus to share His love.
We've got to learn how to not preach our opinions as though they are the Gospel, and thereby giving people the impression that it's God's truth and what Christians are supposed to believe.