This is a tough one. I believe in God's sovereign election granting faith and repentance to His elect. However others disagree with me, and teach Human Responsibility which is another word for FREE WILL. This book is not focused on this topic so we should not detract the thread on this debate. But if you wanna debate that issue get the books Chosen by God by Sproul and Chosen but Free by Geisler.
It is a difficult topic as one cannot deny either human responsibility or divine sovereignty without denying Scripture. This, Metzger claims, is at the heart of the issue in terms of the human will and fervent evangelism. I like the author pointing out that the "five points of Calvinism," being "formulated in reaction to five articles proposed by the Arminians" are far from a balanced statement. It emphasizes sovereignty in reaction to the extreme Arminian position...yet some seem to have taken Calvinism to the extreme of denying human responsibility in salvation. In other words, some become theologically blind through their theology (Spurgeon compares it to Nelson putting his blind eye to the telescope and complaining that he cannot see) and this reactionary statement actually becomes their soteriology. Anyway, the importance to this thread is the vital importance Metzger places on a Scriptural understanding of both towards evangelism.
Do you agree with this statement: "A scriptural emphasis on divine sovereignty and human responsibility should be at the heart of a right view of the human will and a recovery of fervent evangelism today (pg. 109)"?
Why or why not?
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