Statement from Mike Kemper, Director of Missions for the Lawrence County Association of Baptists:
RE: Greater Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
DATE: 10/20/2015
The developments and action by the Lawrence County Association of Baptists related to Greater Tabernacle Baptist Church is indeed a sad happening. In researching the history and relationship with GTMBC, it is clearly documented that the initial beginnings of the church were filled with good motives with spiritual guidance. I have these records in my office files! However, due to their actions, "calling a woman as pastor," we prayed and met with GTMBC since early July, with our last meeting being Sunday, Oct 11., we felt "that things were not going to change" thus the report and recommendation of our Credentials Committee to "remove GTMBC from our list of participating churches….immediately, and refer the decision regarding the "reversion clause" included in their deed to our Executive Committee." The decision of the LCAB messengers meeting in Annual Session on Oct. 12 was 73 in favor and 4 voting "no".
Ms. Christian was "not happy" with the decision, obviously she contacted NewsChannel 5. The NewsChannel 5 reporter Rebecca Schleicher interviewed me for more than 10 minutes, during which time I explained the reasons for our actions. When they aired their story that evening, they cut all of my comments out except about 11 seconds. It was a very "one sided" story, which made it look like we were the mean spirited people who were going to "take their property away from them." I felt we were not treated fairly, and their story only served to evoke emotional feelings about how badly they were being treated.
The issue is NOT about race! Though the church is predominately an African American congregation. The issue is NOT an attack on women, as I had noted that women have always provided much service, leadership and ministry in our churches and our association. We had gone over this several times with GTMBC members and Mrs. Christian in our meetings. It is about our strongly held conviction that the role of pastor is assigned to men as defined in I Timothy 3:1-7. It is the fact that the basis for fellowship and cooperation among churches in our association is defined by scripture and our guiding documents, including the "2000 Baptist Faith & Message" which states "…the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by scripture." The decisions they (GTMBC) had made left us with no other option other than to do what we did.
Ms. Christian & GTMBC members were told about the possible consequences of their decision several times in those meetings, verbally and by sighting their documents and our documents. They knew very well that they could not remain a part of the association with Ms. Christian as their pastor. They knew full well about the "reversion clause" in their deed. And, by the way, two of the GTMBC men who signed the original documents which included the "reversion clause" have been in our meetings and discussions. They knew as early as this past July what those consequences would be if they held to their decisions. NewsChannel 5 did not report the fact that Ms. Christian and a contingency of at least 7 other members of the church were present at our Annual Meeting on Oct. 12th. They were present for the recommendation of the committee and present for the ballot vote, and they were present when the announcement was made regarding the results of the vote. It came as no surprise to them. They were treated with respect, and welcomed at the meeting.
Regardless of how one might feel about "women as pastors", the GTMBC had in "good faith" agreed from it's inception that it would always remain a Southern Baptist Church in close relationship with the Lawrence County Association of Baptists. The church was planted, sustained, funded, and prayed for by Faith Baptist Church in Loretto, TN., Meadow View Baptist Church in Lawrenceburg, and the Lawrence County Association of Baptists. This is also clearly documented with articles, pictures, and documents from 1989 when the church was begun, to 1992 when property had been purchased on their behalf, and the building was built with donations of materials, money, and labor of Lawrence County Association of Baptists. As well as in 1996 when a loan was signed and secured by trustees of LCAB. We did nothing that had not already been agreed to by the GTMBC congregation.
I/we felt that the church, even though they were present at the meeting was due a written explanation and notice. I/we finished that letter Wednesday afternoon (Oct. 14). The church had not provided us with Ms. Christians mailing address. Knowing that Ms. Christian drives in from Murfreesboro (where she lives) on Wednesday and Sunday mornings, I wanted them to have the letter that evening (Wednesday). We mailed, via USPS, original copies to the church address, and another member of the church (LaSonya Moore), to our Association Moderator and the Credentials committee members. I knew they would not receive those letters until possibly Friday or Saturday. I was going to another church to visit in their Revival that evening. Knowing that it is illegal to put anything in their mail box out front, I did put a copy in the door. I felt it was a courtesy, but NewsChannel 5 made out like this was the first they knew about it and that we had notified them in a less than professional/Christian way. NOT TRUE!
We continue to love GTMBC as she is one of "our children" even though they have taken decisions that go against their birth and upbringing, we love them. And, in the right way would bring them back into fellowship should they desire.
Mike Kemper