But the 2nd Amendment kind of helped. I mean, you don't kill too many people by going up to them, pointing two fingers at them and shouting 'Bang!'
7 July 2005 London bombings 52 dead, 700+ injured
2 June 2010 Cumbria shootings 12 dead, 11 injured
22 March 2017 London, England 6 dead, 49 injured
22 May 2017 Manchester, England 23 dead 250+ injured
3 June 2017 London, England 8 dead, 48 injured
Why didn't you do anything to stop this slaughter?
Seems to me you should clean up your own country before giving advice on how we should clean up ours. Especially in light of the fact that England has a violent crime rate 5 times higher than the US.