I find it interesting that the very same people who blame the parents for not disciplining their children when the child goes bad cry against a parent who does discipline their child to keep them from going bad. What hypocrisy!
This girl was not harmed! She doesn't even claim that she was medically harmed in any way. She simply got a serious whipping. She knew she was doing wrong and prepared a video because she knew discipline was coming. This is/was an out of control teen and her father was seeking to correct her actions. Others might not follow his exact way of handling it but what he did does not call for criminal charges or being fired from his job. Those calls come from liberal socialist dictator type mind-sets who want to run other peoples lives.
The only reason that some are against this is because of liberal culture and mid-sets. 100 years ago this kind of punishment would have been nothing and even applauded. In fact biblically this IS nothing! The bible calls for a rod (club) on the back and says to beat them you will not kill them but save them. My guess is that her thieving days ended because of the punishment. The sad thing is she is still in rebellion and her mother is supporting her. There should be no criminal investigation over this.
I have for years called for horse whipping many of these young thugs as well as adults who come before the courts, especially on first offenses, instead of putting them in jail or prison. It would solve many problems.
[SIZE=+0]Now I am not saying that I do not see a problem here. The father and mother both did not give the discipline out of love, but out of anger, but that does not constitute child abuse, just poor parenting skills. The father may very well be a control freak and a jerk, I don't know, but the type of discipline was not over the top as this child clearly willfully disobeyed and became a thief. She was thumbing her nose at the parents rules as well as the law. The problem is not with the discipline but with how it was done and my guess is, unfortunately, everything was done that way in that home, but again it is not a criminal case!
What was shown is not discipline at all. When I discipline my children, I could do it in public and stand before the throne of God and do it. If I couldn't do that, then there is something gravely wrong. Tell me that if he were doing this before the throne of God, that God would approve it. It was not discipline. It was criminal.
Oh - and I spank.