Actually, the country was established because thirteen states were here.
While it's true that my state was not admitted as a state until 1819, there were still thirteen states that were already in existence at the time the republic was founded. What about them? [/quote]
They joined a Union and their state rights were subjugated to those of the nation.
And what?
But you keep implying that states have no power, that states should submit to the federal government.
I implied no such thing. The Constitution is very clear about states rights.
And state law IS to submit to federal law where federal law has spoken.
Who said anything about screwing other states?
Yall would be seceding and and trying to take resources away from the United States. That screws the other 49 states.
What about when the federal government screws states?
Then go through the process of abolishing the government. That you CAN do. But no state has the Constitutional right to secede without the consent of the other 49 states.
Why should the federal government be allowed to screw states?
For the same reason that the GOP can screw people. For the same reason that the Dems can screw people.
If you don't like being screwed, go through the LEGAL process to change the government instead of ILLEGALLY trying to take what does not belong to you.
To make its own laws, to be free of federal interference.
States ARE free to make their own laws. But federal law trumps state law unless the federal law exempts the state.
SO called political conservatives are always talking about the "rule of law" until the rule of law doesn't get them what they want.
Then they want to break the law and establish their own rules instead of going through the legislative process of changing the law.
Such as federal Civil Rights laws. For instance, a state cannot decide that it will allow companies to discriminate based on gender if the federal law says no.
So, states should have employed psychics to tell them what the federal government would become 200 years later?
So because the government has become something that certain people didn't anticipate, states should now illegally be able to secede? Please.
If a state doesn't like the federal government as-is, then do the work to change it. You don't get to attempt to steal part of the country just because you're upset with the government. Should cities and municipalities be able to secede from states and form their own states?
First of all, not true. See the 10th Amendment.
I looked at the 10th Amendment before I typed that. It doesn't mention the word sovereignty.
Second, why does it have to be, when it's already assumed?
I'm a true conservative. Assuming opens the door for too many things.
Third, you realize the Constitution operates on a principle called enumeration, right?
Where in those enumerated rights does it say that a state may secede?
Are they doing the Constitution like the Bible now and thee are many different versions? The 9th amendment doesn't say anything about secession.
The rest of us in the other 49 states.
Why do you believe Texas is yours? Are you from Texas? Do you live in Texas? Do you pay taxes or vote there?
I didn't say Texas was mine. Texas belongs to the United States and is indivisible from the other 49 states. The only way Texas is allowed to secede is if the other 49 are in agreement and the Union is dissolved.
S o I don't have to live there or pay taxes there to understand that the land is part of the country, The United States.
Then you should be ashamed of yourself.
Why? As I've said before, I'm a whole lot more Biblically conservative than most of ya. :laugh: If she is married to him, abuse isn't a Biblical reason to get out of the relationship. So why are you ashamed that I wouldn't advise her to do something that God's word doesn't tell her to do?
What do other countries have to do with it?
Yall gonna have to settle somewhere after we put yall out the United States for your treasonous actions.