Well-Known Member
My point is that, according to your own definition of worldly government and participation therein, those Bible heroes would have been participating in antichristianity all of the time.No. The Bible simply says that those are worldly powers - not that we do not live under those powers.
The early church refused to hd office or vote. But they did live and serve under the government (they paid taxes to Rome and acted as required except when it was disobedience to God).
Why would anyone e vote for a political party except they trust that party to solve the issues at hand?
It is a matter, for me, of being faithful.
Your definition is not biblical, which is why we both can say that, even though they were participating in worldly government all of the time, they were not participating in antichristianity all of the time, and whenever they were pressed to do so, they did resist.
We agree on the practice of those heroes, just not on the definition of worldly government. Our agreement on the former stands in opposition to the latter. Your definition of worldly government is not consistent with your view of those heroes and is not biblical.
Anyone's personal stance on participation is another matter entirely and not in question.