It seems people like you can't wait for the killing and mayhem to start.
What you don't seem to understand or care about is the destruction it will bring and that's all it will bring. Death and destruction
Everyone will be in want, in despair, and America will canabalize itself.
No trucks will run supplies to rebelling states, no medicine, no food, lawlessness will abound, and is that what you want? Because that's all it will be.
It won't be the fantasy of the Trump Train bringing greatness to the land. It would be blood in the streets and death to America.
Why do you want this?
Many events in history that are labeled peculiar, unusual, or impossible to understand can best be understood if viewed as a result of the outworking of the Abrahamic Covenant. There have been numerous attempts to destroy the Jews, and all have failed. Essentially, the four methods that were used during the biblical period have been the same ones used ever since, and these methods will always fail in destroying the Jews. Like Abimelech, the Crusaders took away wives. Like the Egyptians, the Spanish Empire killed the sons. Like the Persian Empire, Germany made anti Semitism the official government policy. Like the Amalekites, the Arab states have declared war upon the Jews.
These methods cannot and will not work in destroying them. After two thousand years, numerous examples can be given of how the Abrahamic Covenant has worked itself out, but this study will be limited to four: Spain, England, Germany, and Jordan.
A. Spain
Because of its great Armada, the Spanish Empire controlled vast parts of the world. The fact that every nation south of the United States except Brazil speaks Spanish is an indication of what the Spanish Empire once was. The Spanish economy was strong, and as a result so was everything else. In 1492, the same year that Columbus set sail for America, the Spanish Edict of Expulsion ordering all Jews to leave the country was issued. With this act, Spain blundered. When she expelled her Jews, she expelled her scholars, doctors, and bankers. The Spanish economy thus began to crumble and collapse. Finally, the source of Spain's strength, the Armada, sailed against England and was destroyed, not so much by the British navy as by a storm at sea. The Abrahamic Covenant had worked itself out. She, who expelled the Jews, was then expelled from her holdings in the western hemisphere until nothing remained.
Another point involving Spain shows the blessing aspect beginning to work as well. The story of how Queen Isabella sold her jewels in order to buy the three ships for Columbus breaks down under some cool historical research. It was not Queen Isabella's jewels, but Queen Isabella's “Jews” who purchased the three ships for Columbus. History shows that two Jewish banking families bought the ships. Many of the men on the three vessels were Jews fleeing Spain as a result of the Edict of Expulsion. According to Columbus' own diary, the first one to spot land was a Jew sitting in the crow's nest. Also, according to his diary, the first one off his ship was his interpreter, Louis de Torres, a Spanish Jew. As Europe was slowly beginning to close its doors to the Jews, the New World was discovered that was eventually to become the greatest haven for Jews fleeing persecution around the world in the form of the United States. The United States became and remains what she is today mainly because of the blessing aspect of the Abrahamic Covenant.
B. England
England provides a second example of the outworking of the Abrahamic Covenant. There was a time when England was blessed by God because of her favorable attitude to the Jews, and they were able to boast, “The sun never sets on the British Empire.” It was a Messianic believer, Benjamin Disraeli, who gained for England the two vital links that made her the British Empire: India and the Suez Canal. The Balfour Declaration of World War I showed England's favorable attitude toward establishing a Jewish national home in Palestine, later captured from the Turks. But then she made an about face and turned against the Jews; England began to limit Jewish immigration in effect annulling the Balfour Declaration. This policy trapped many Jews, preventing their flight from the Nazis. As a result, the British Empire began to crumble as one nation after another declared its freedom from the Empire. Finally, the very possessions gained for her by Jews, India and the Suez Canal, were also lost. The result is that today, the sun does indeed set on the British Empire-every twenty four hours.
C . Germany
Germany provides the third example. When Hitler came to power, anti Semitism became the official government policy. In 1939, as the Germans drew the world again into war, this policy began to spread to the occupied parts of Europe. As one nation after another fell, the Jews were taken and moved into the slum sections of major cities such as Warsaw. Concrete walls were built around these ghettos, and the Jews were slowly beaten and starved. The Gestapo had a favorite game, which consisted of taking one Jew and forcing him to kill another Jew in order to save the life of his own family. The Jews were forced to go into hiding as Nazis systematically sought them out. Six million were finally exterminated.
However, after six years Germany was no longer the conqueror, but the conquered. For a generation, the Germans who once built walls around the Jews, had a wall cutting their once proud capital of Berlin in half. For forty years, the people who once forced Jews to kill Jews had Germans killing Germans who tried to make their escape over the Berlin Wall. To this day, Nazi war criminals are forced to live in hiding as they are sought out by Jews.
D. Jordan
The fourth example involves the four Arab states of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt, all of whom combined their forces in 1967 with the avowed purpose of destroying Israel. Nasser vowed that the Jews would be driven into the Mediterranean Sea and forced to swim back to Europe, from where they had come. King Hussein swore to move his border so as to encompass all of Palestine. After four days of the Six Day War, however, it was not the Jews but the Egyptians who were doing the swimming as they fled across the Suez Canal from the Israeli forces. As for King Hussein, after three days his border was indeed moved-but in the opposite direction. The Arabs cursed the Jewish State with war and were defeated by war.
All this provides a unique picture of the sub principle: Curse for curse in kind. God's philosophy of history involved in the Abrahamic Covenant provides the principles for understanding how the Gentile nations are related to the Jews.
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