Well-Known Member
I'm a huge fan of Sailhamer's views of Gen. 1-2. Here is a good synopsis of the book and his view. Sailhamer's ideas sure are intriguing.
He taught for a short time at the former Philadelphia College of Bible, not far from where I live (now called Cairn University).
I have a short book that I keep next to Sailhamers Genesis Unbound called, A Promised Land for a Chosen People; the good land and the good life (1979) by Gordon Ceperley, also of PBU.
I don't know if the two of them interacted but if have a feeling that Ceperley's discussion of "the land" influenced Sailhamer (or Sailhamer influenced Ciperley).
IMO, Ciperley's booklet is not a must read, it just seems to support Sailhamer's ideas.
The biblical theological value of his view is outstanding.