I am absolutely certain the False Prophet was Apostate Israel, who had aligned itself with the Roman Empire. Quite possibly the chief priests were tossed into the Lake of Fire.
With all due respect, you're absolutely INCORRECT! Most of the Jews submitted to Rome because they didn't want to be whacked, & besides, Rome brought them "law & order", good, safe roads, etc. And the high priests, current & former, were killed by the Idumeans & Zealots in 68 AD, so they weren't cast alive into hell. And if any of them deserved such a fate, it was Caiaphas, who had Jesus crucified. However, his home is still standing, & his ossuary was found, with his name plainly written on it. There's not a quark of Scripture nor historical record that any priest, or anyone else, was ever tossed alive into the lake of fire.
Preterism leaves a few questions about some of the details, but so does Futurism. Furthermore, the futurist view calls for a lot of false assumptions and poor exegesis. Your view calls for changing the meaning of "soon", "this generation", "quickly", etc. This is an area where we Preterists take the Scriptures quite literally, where you Futurists take the symbolic approach.
For the umpteenth time, please show us HISTORICAL PROOF that the eschatological events have already occurred! And I mean from a LEGITIMATE SOURCE, not the garbage those pret quack "authors" write.
The Futurist view was pretty much invented by John Nelson Darby around 1830, and it was later popularized by Scofield. Before the 19th Century, the predominant view of these prophecies was Preterist. Any other view is false.
Yes, preterism is false. For several millenia, men thought the earth is flat til FACT took over.
I've lost track of how many times I've told you who the beast and false prophet were - Rome / Nero and Apostate Israel.
And every time you've told me that has been just-as-false as it was the first time.
I posted FACTS that **PROVE** Nero was NOT the beast-HISTORICAL FACTS you CANNOT refute! But yet you still believe the garbage of Gentry, Preston, etc. which has proven as false as that of Hal Lindsey.
The Mark of the Beast was not a literal mark, but symbolic of alignment with the Roman Empire.
It will be issued by the beast.
You're trying to have your cake & eat it, too. Scripture plainly says the beast will issue the mark thru the false prophet, & there's absolutely NO record that Nero or Israel issued any kind of mark required to do business, nor aligned himself with the Jews in any manner. You're working against your own perceived beast!
While Jesus came in judgment on Jerusalem in AD 70, His physical and visible return is still in our future. The Great Tribulation was not worldwide, but upon Israel from AD 66-70 (3 1/2 years). Scripture and history plainly show us when these events happened, no matter how much you deny it.
No, Jesus has NOT yet returned in any manner. He plainly warned against believing He had returned by word of mouth because His return would be visible as lightning, seen by ALL.
And plainly, the great trib has NOT occurred, It will be WORLDWIDE, and the beast will be in power when it does occur, or else Jesus was wrong in Rev. 3:10! (Remember , the Philadelphia church STILL EXISTS ! !)
Between Lodic & I, WHO has made their case? WHO has presented FACTS?
I believe Lodic is a Christian, but he's been led astray by some purveyors of bunk. I hope the HOLY SPIRIT steps in & shows him the TRUTH before others get led astray.